Strega - Part 2

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Orpheus Picaro slashed at the Reaper with her harp , bringing it down below her relentless assault . As Takaya tried to stop Minato's Persona , his sister interfered with Orpheus Telos and knocked pushed him back , before joining forces with her brother and attacking the Reaper even more . They could tell that the Reaper was getting tired , and that they were close to destroying it . However , both Orpheus Telos and Orpheus Picaro had been fighting for a long time , and sure enough Orpheus Picaro faded .

" only one left " Takaya grinned " once your Persona fades , it's curtains for you and your brother ! "

" n—no ! " Minako anxiously looked at her Persona , which continued fighting , but she also knew it won't be long before it fades just as Minato's , and then it'd be the end for them " Orpheus Telos ! You have keep fighting ! Please ! "

" n—no ! " Minako anxiously looked at her Persona , which continued fighting , but she also knew it won't be long before it fades just as Minato's , and then it'd be the end for them " Orpheus Telos ! You have keep fighting ! Please ! "

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" you think those harp wielding Personas are our only weapon ? Think again ! " Minato exclaimed , before turning to his sister " hold the Reaper for a second , I have a plan ! "

" r—right ! "

" Gurr ! Garuda ! Come to me ! "

While Minako was struggling to hold the Reaper back , her brother called two Personas . His spell successfully knocked Takaya on the ground and reduced his speed , before following that with Alice and sealing his Persona . By then , Minako had just exhausted Orpheus Telos for the second time , and was now facing an enraged Reaper that was preparing to counterattack her previous assault . Minako was about to call Orpheus Telos again and overexert herself , but Minato was there for her rescue .

" hurry ! " Minato yelled at her " call Odin ! "

" Odin ?! R—right ! Persona ! " Minako struck the Reaper with a massive pillar of lightning

" alright! Orpheus Picaro ! "

Minato realized that , while the Reaper was weakened by the lightning , he must go all out with physical attacks and hopefully slay it in time before Takaya recovered and joined the fight , so he decided to go with the most powerful physical attack he could unleash and called Orpheus Picaro , which was the third time he had called her . He knew he was pushing himself over the limit , but he was counting on Orpheus Picaro to finish the Reaper once and for all . However , in his anxiety to defeat the Reaper before Takaya recovered , he forgot one fatal factor in the fight .

The mist could weaken his Persona

And that was exactly what happened . Orpheus Picaro tensed up and couldn't move , and while the Reaper was unable to fight back , Takaya had recovered just in time to blast Orpheus Picaro away with Hypnosis . Minako was mortified to see her brother collapse from the stress of calling Orpheus Picaro more than his limit allowed . And as she tried to save him , the Reaper stood in her way . Behind it she could see Takaya approaching Minato .

" end of the line , leader of SEES " Takaya grinned as he pointed his gun at Minato " see ? It truly is futile to resist death "

" grr ! Your ... victory ... was literally ... a freaking fluke ! " Minato really hated himself at that moment for forgetting to keep the mist in mind , for at the moment the exhaustion he was feeling was so severe , and the headache he was feeling was so straining , that he couldn't even concentrate on where Takaya's voice was coming from , or what he was saying .

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