Maiko Oohashi - Part 2

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Maiko sat at the top of the stairs leading to the shrine , feeling tired and sleepy . She began wondering wether it was a bad idea to run from home , and wished she had listened to the twins' advice and stayed at home with her parents . She then remembered how much her parents were yelling at each other , and she felt like crying . However , she didn't want to cry in front of strangers , so she decided to play in the playground near the shrine .

She was just about to go there , when she noticed a man putting something below one of the seats by the playground before leaving . She tried calling him , but the man seemed to be in a hurry . Maiko was too curious to leave it be , so she cautiously approached the thing that was left below the seat . It was a paper bag , which had a strange black box in it with some kind of a digital watch , which seemed to show a countdown . Maiko felt a chill down her spine , and sensed that something was wrong , but as she was about to back away , she heard someone approaching her . At first , she was terrified , but when she turned around , she saw a police officer friendlily approaching her .

" oh ... Mr. police officer , sir ... " Maiko nervously approached him , pointing at the bag below the chair " there's a weird thing below that seat , I think it's a ... "

" don't worry , little one , I saw it , too " the policeman gently replied " did you see who placed it in there ? "

" oh yes ! Yes I did ! " Maiko eagerly replied " he was a creepy guy wearing a trench coat and ... "

" so you did see him , very well " the man showed Maiko to another officer that was approaching them " my colleague will take you to the station , so you can tell us more about the bad guy who placed the bomb in there "

While Maiko happily rushed to the other officer , and followed him away from the shrine , the first officer's smile faded into a hateful glare , as the man who placed the bag emerged from behind the bushes .

" she saw you , you moron ! " the policeman said " you're lucky I was here to save your ass ! "

" we're wasting time ! Leave the bomb here and let's leave ! " the man impatiently replied , then he anxiously asked " what about the brat ? "

" we can use her a little... before we dispose of her ... " the policeman grinned

" they say an explosion occurred in the shrine today " Minako said to her brother as the two of them made their way to Paulownia mall

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" they say an explosion occurred in the shrine today " Minako said to her brother as the two of them made their way to Paulownia mall

" yeah ... we definitely shouldn't go there now , not that we can with the police swarming the place " Minato nodded

" I'm more worried about the people who were injured and killed in there " Minako anxiously mumbled " like ... Maiko ... "

" don't say that ... she only goes to the shrine in the afternoon , the explosion happened in the morning , she should be with her parents by now ... " Minato sighed " still , we definitely didn't need this explosion ... we already have too much to worry about as it is ... "

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