A trip to Niseko- Part 3

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As the hours advanced , the weather became windier , and snow began falling down in greater amounts . Thankfully , by then , the students had their fun of the mountain and were now ready to return to the hotel . There was one girl who wasn't ready to go back , however , and that was Minako .

" hey ! Has anyone seen Minato ?! " she anxiously asked " we got separated when he was looking for my bag , but did he get back yet ?! "

The other students were nervous to learn that Minato was missing , for just one look at the window was enough to tell them that the snowy weather outside was horrible , and any person who would be outside might freeze to death .

" I'll ... I'll look for him ... ! " Minako started

" if you go outside , you'll also get lost ! " Shinjiro held her in place " you're not going out there alone ! "

" don't worry , Minako ! " the other students exclaimed " we'll go and look for him together ! "

Minato's search for the bag strayed from the path of the cable rail , as he noticed a trace from where he assumed was where the bag fell , which led into the woods

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Minato's search for the bag strayed from the path of the cable rail , as he noticed a trace from where he assumed was where the bag fell , which led into the woods . He assumed the worst, and that was an animal taking interest in the bag and taking it away . When he was following the trace , the weather was still okay , little winds were blowing and only few snowflakes were falling .

He finally found the lost bag by a branch of a tree , and when he picked it up , he saw a hole behind it . Apparently , whatever picked up the bag , be it a rabbit or something of the sort , tried to stuff it inside its home , but it was too big . Minato smiled wearily as he turned back to where he came from .

However , the window was starting to pick up the pace , and it began snowing more and more . Minato realized that the weather was going to get worse soon , so he hastened his pace forward . However , in his effort to make it back quickly , he stepped over a part of the snow that was fragile and shallow. Before he knew it , he was rolling down the mountain , until his back struck a thick tree trunk . Minato felt severe pain all the way in his back , and when he tried to stand up his ankle failed him and he fell to his knees . Thankfully , the trunk he had struck with his back was flat , so nothing impaled him when the trunk halted his momentum . However , the fall still disoriented him , and be began looking around the woods with uncertainty , wondering where he was or where he was headed .

When he tried to walk again , the best he could do was stand up and limp his way forward . The weather was getting colder , and the snowflakes were falling in greater and greater quantities , obstructing the view even further . Walking in that state through so much snow was exhausting , and it made Minato inhale and exhale greedily , but at the same time the cold wind was unbearable to inhale , and it froze his throat and lungs with every breath .

Minato collapsed on his knees once again , and this time he couldn't force himself to stand up . His vision was getting blurrier by the second from the snow and from the exhaustion , his throat and lungs stung him with every inhalation .

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