Minato Arisato - Part 4

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It was midnight on the bridge to Iwatodai , which looked barren and lifeless . Through the unbearable silence of the night , weak sobs and hiccups could be heard by the wreckage of a car . A little boy was sobbing by the blood soaked body of his sister , he was helplessly shaking her and looking around , begging her to wake up . However , the little girl was fatally wounded , shards had impaled her body in the chest , shoulders and guts , and she was barely breathing .

" Minako ... " the boy wept , he seemed too drained to continue his crying " please wake up ... I'm scared ... I don't know what to do ... our parents are cold ... they're not talking back ... and they're bleeding way too much ... please wake up ... "

" Mina ... to ... " his sister weakly opened her eyes , and whispered in a dying voice " it ... hurts ... I ... I'm scared ... "

" Minako ! " the boy cried as he saw his sister awake " my parents aren't responding , and they're bleeding ! What should I do ?!"

" I'm ... I'm scared ... " the girl weakly replied , and her words grew more and more distant as her eyes slowly closed " I don't ... want to ... die ..... am I ....... going to ..... die ..... here ...... ? "

" Minako ?! Minako ?!! " the boy saw his sister's eyes had closed and her face dropped to the side , and he panicked , as he tried to shake her awake again " wake up , Minako ! Wake up ! "

" are you a human ? Identify yourself "

The boy looked up to see a shorthaired blond girl before him . Sparks were flying from her , and from her posture she seemed to be in pain , but her expression was nonchalant and careless , and yet her eyes were fixated on them .

" who ... who are you ? " the boy stammered

" analysis complete , you are a human " the girl spoke in a strange tone and using strange words that the boy didn't understand " you should not be conscious at this time "

" What ? What do you mean ?! "

The boy cried , just as distant voices came from behind the girl and had her look at her back , before turning to the boy and staring at him .

" MINAKO !!! "

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" MINAKO !!! "

Minato unconsciously screamed as he saw her falling on the ground . He arrived just as the Takaya had shot her , and as he and Jin turned to face Minato , no word could describe the rage that filled his heart . Without saying a single word , he pulled his evoker and called both Helel and Lucifer , casting a massive Armageddon at the two members of Strega . However , Takaya effortlessly blocked it with a Magidoloan from his Persona . Minato's momentum wasn't slowed by that in the least , and he consecutively followed that with summoning Thanatos , who charged at the two with his blades unsheathed and ready to slaughter . However , Jin was ready to nullify it with Moros , giving Minato more headache and rage .

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