Summer school

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The twins , Yukari and Fuuka were still sleepy even at 10:00 , and Junpei had only just woke up . Ken stayed in his room , as he wanted to watch his favorite program , and he couldn't do that in the lounge with everyone around . Mitsuru descended into the lounge , just as Akihiko entered the dorm . The seniors noticed how tired their underclassmen were .

" last night's operation was tough " Mitsuru sighed

" it could have been much easier had those Strega bastards not show up " Junpei cussed

" lemme get something straight " Yukari exclaimed " so if we end the Dark Hour , our powers will disappear , right ? "

" it's not like it's a bad thing , right ? " Fuuka said , while looking at the team as if she was waiting for them to respond

" why should it be ? " Minato shrugged " Is there another reason for us to have this power other than to trying to end the Dark Hour ? Even if we keep our potential , when will we use it ? "

" yeah , that's true " Junpei said

" I can tell the previous events have been taking their toll on you , with the impending danger of what awaits us in the next block of Tartarus , and the reveal of a new adversary " Mitsuru said as she stared at the tired expressions on the faces of her underclassmen " so I suppose the team needs a change of pace "

" so we're going to Yakushima again ?! " Junpei rose with excitement

" so I enrolled everyone in SEES in summer school courses "

" what ?!! " everyone in the lounge exhaled exhaustedly , as if the stress they felt last night exponentially increased

" what ?!! " everyone in the lounge exhaled exhaustedly , as if the stress they felt last night exponentially increased

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" senpai , you have a ... unique ... sense of ... humor ... " Junpei stuttered

" I assure you that I'm serious . The Dark Hour and Tartarus are taking their toll on your lives , and that is affecting your studies and your future , as I saw from the decline in your grades "

" hold it right there ?! " Minato objected " what decline are you talking about ?! Me and my sister kept the lead for two consecutive exams ! Why do I have to be a part of this mess ?! "

" well , I could tell there was a decrease in your mark from last time , even though you scored the second highest mark in the last exam "

" that's ... ! "

" that's because he saw Fuu—! " Minako started , but was shushed by a murderous glare from her brother so she whispered " never mind ... "

" nevertheless , we can't ignore the fact that a sizable amount of study materials that was required of you were already covered in Seven Sisters High school, and that gave you an advantage over your classmates which made up for the lack of time to study . The upcoming lessons and exams will be new to you , so I suggest you study well for this exam "

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