Tennis under the sun

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Minako knew she had to join a club now that her brother had decided to joined one . Unfortunately , she was too busy looking for clubs for her brother she forgot herself . She found herself frantically looking for a club to join as she didn't want to be called out by her brother whom she previously made fun of for not wanting to join a club . The first idea that popped in her mind was Yukari . She went to her during lunch break and asked if she could join the archery club .

" archery ? " Yukari thought " but you don't know how to use a bow , do you ? "

" actually ... I don't ... " Minako felt a giant boulder of fail fall on her , but she chose to push forward " but I could learn ! I'm a fast learner ! You saw how well I handled my Personas in Tartarus , right ?"

" shh ! Not so loud ! "

"S—sorry ... "

" besides , the club is not accepting members at the moment "

" what ?! " Minako felt an even bigger boulder fall on her head " you can't be serious ! I'm the leader and I command that you allow me to join ! "

" firstly , you're not the leader , your brother is . Secondly , even if you were , this isn't my choice , I'm not the club president . Third of all , you're not doing this for SEES , you're doing this to be on even footing with Minato who joined a club , right ? "

" that's not fair ... " Many MANY boulders fell on Minako at that moment and she sobbed in defeat " I wanted him to join a club and socialize , but I was the one left with no club to join ... "

The sight of Minako's defeated face was sad and pitiful , especially for Yukari who sighed and said " why don't you try the tennis club , they're still accepting members "

" great ! Thanksyukariyouarethebestokbye !!! " Minako rose from her depression as if she was just resurrected from death, shook Yukari's hand quickly in appreciation before sprinting away

" where're you going ?! "

" if I make it snappy , I can get there while they're still accepting members ! " she yelled from the distance

" you're going the wrong way ! The club is over there ! "

Minako sprinted back quickly to the right direction , almost running Yukari over in the process . Yukari shook her head in pity , she thought this sprinting was not necessary , seeing as how the tennis club had its own problems with members . She wondered if Minako could help them .

Minako was so thrilled as she stood in the tennis field , she managed to join a club after all

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Minako was so thrilled as she stood in the tennis field , she managed to join a club after all . The teacher who introduced Minako to the club seemed bored , though . " who's the leader of the junior team ? " she looked around

" I am " a keen looking student emerged from within the club members

" good . Can you show the new member around ? I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here " she giggled before walking away .

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