F.O.E - part 2

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Minako and the team had been walking for a long time, and they had fought many shadows on their way . Although , none was powerful enough to be considered an F.O.E , and with Akihiko on the team , battles seem to end much faster . Junpei was just feeling hungry , Yukari seemed to be lost in thought , regaining her attention only when an enemy is around , and Akihiko was thrilled by the fact he was finally back in action . As for Minako , while she sustained the optimistic exterior , on the inside her anxiety was running rampant . Something was off about this floor of Tartarus , and she wasn't sure why it was or how to solve it .

" do you read me . There's a shadow near the corner "

Mitsuru's voice was so distorted that it was painful for Minako to listen to , and words were starting to merge together becoming indistinguishable . Minako knew that the more she delayed asking Mitsuru , the less chance she would get to ask her later , so instead of proceeding forward and attacking the shadow , she pulled her team back and tried calling her .

" senpai ... your voice is becoming distorted and inaudible . Can you hear me ? "

" yes , I know that " Minako flinched at the sound of Mitsuru's response " you've ... higher ... barely within ... my persona ... limit "

" senpai ! While I can still hear you , I need to ask you something ! Can you hear me ? "

" I can ... you ... I suggest ... ask now ..."

Minako looked at her team one last time , they looked confused , but none of them was panicking , they probably hadn't realized it yet . However , she knew that it would all change when she asks Mitsuru , but if she delayed it anymore she could never ask her again , and the situation may really get out of hand then .

" senpai ... where are the stairs ? "

" stairs ? " Akihiko pondered , it seemed he was so into fighting he hadn't noticed the absence of the stairs on this floor " now that I think about it , we've been on this floor for a while "

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" stairs ? " Akihiko pondered , it seemed he was so into fighting he hadn't noticed the absence of the stairs on this floor " now that I think about it , we've been on this floor for a while "

" what ? We can't find the stairs ? Are we lost ? " Yukari and Junpei were starting to freak out

" guys , can you please be quiet for a sec ? " Minako said as she fiddled with the communication device in her ear " it's already difficult to hear Mitsuru senpai as it is "

She absolutely needed Mitsuru to respond to her , now that the secret was out . Otherwise she had revealed that they were lost in this floor of Tartarus without getting an answer . Between wanting to fix her communication device thinking it was broken , and fearing of actually breaking it , Minako finally managed to hear Mitsuru on the other end . The sound was still choppy , but at least Mitsuru's words were starting to be distinguishable .

" senpai , can you hear me now ? "

" yes ... I can ... " Minako flinched from the lagging audio " listen , you're at the border of my communication range , I may not be able to provide adequate navigation support "

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