Midnight stroll - Part 1

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While the members of SEES waited for the twins to finish optimizing their Persona arsenal , Fuuka finished scanning the new block . It seemed to be a culmination of everything Tartarus had thrown at them up to this point . There were switches , secret walls they could pass through , a strange fog that was weakening Juno , and the whole place was dark .

" man ... talk about a final dungeon " Junpei sighed " this is going to be hectic"

" what about the F.O.Es , Fuuka ? " Yukari asked

" I think I found them , as sudden spikes of power in certain floors in Tartarus , but I don't think I can tell you much about them . I think , like the third block , I would probably be able to sense your surroundings better if you were there "

" looks like this block is going to be the most difficult one yet " Mitsuru thought

" heh ... sounds interesting " Akihiko grinned

" oh , you two are done already ? " Junpei saw the twins approaching them , but he also noticed a grim look on their faces " so how's the velvet dudes ? "

" they said seven people have wandered into Tartarus in just few days " Minako replied with a conflicted look on her face " and ... well ... "

" four of them have already become shadows " Minato clenched his fist in frustration

" what ?!! " everyone was shocked to hear that

" what ?!! " everyone was shocked to hear that

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" that ... that can't be ! " Fuuka stuttered " tonight isn't a full moon night , we should still have plenty of time ! "

" the residents of the velvet room are just as shocked " Minato replied " They reported the situation to us by a call as usual , but tonight they were surprised that several of the victims have already joined the fall . After that , they re-studied the Dark Hour in more detail , and found out that it changed drastically after we defeated the last full moon shadow "

" changed ? How so ? " Mitsuru asked curiously

" they say that it became much longer , and shadows have become more aggressive . They also speculate that the closer the moon gets to being full , the more unpredictable they become, to the point where regular shadows become life-threatening during full moon nights , according to their estimation . And victims who wander into Tartarus can become shadows at literally any second , so we can't waste any time "

" that's right " Akihiko nodded " we've already lost four victims because of that , so we need to pick up the pace from now on "

" now then , do we actually need to split up , Fuuka ? "

" I don't think that's a good idea , there's a strange fog in there that's weakening Juno , so I might have trouble keeping up with you . The new block is riddled with switches , which could trap you in one place , but I can still teleport you back , so I don't think there's any need to split up"

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