{3} Football

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I didn't go in the rest of the week until Friday. Hey I warned you I didn't like going to school don't hate the playa hate the game . The bruise on my jaw and chin was slowly fading but I still covered it with concealer, not wanting my mum to see it.

I decided to wear my glasses today, I wore a black crop top with black cargo pants alongside my playboy air forces. As you can tell black's one of my favourite colours. I put my hair up in a messy bun again as my roots needed doing. Shock! Horror! I'm not a natural redhead. Though I'm sure the bright cherry red mess sitting on my head gave it away.

Going into school people looked at me in either shock or admiration. When I say people I just mean the boys. The girls were glaring at me like there was no tomorrow and that's when It clicked they're all looking at me like that because of the fight. Hannah walked up to me, blonde hair swishing, beady eyes looking ready to attack. Before she could get close to me, I pushed her out of the way and saw Eli a few lockers down from me. 

I jumped on his back piggyback style, so I could gather everyone's attention and shouted, "Sorry I hurt your favourite boy toy but get over it." 

Simultaneously Al, Danny and Dakota walked through the door. I just smirked seeing the bruises covering Dakota's face.

"Damn. You got him good. I still can't believe you got into a fight on the first day," Eli whispered as everyone started creating a path for them as if they were superior to us. Apparently Eli thought so too as he moved back slamming my back against the locker as the boys walked past us causing all three of them to snicker. I just glared at the back of Dakota head until I couldn't see him anymore. 

"Sorry S," Eli snickered with a mischievous smile not looking apologetic whatsoever.

Everything was as normal until I had P.E. last period, minus the fact that the three musketeers are in all my classes. They must've skived all of them except for study hall and we all know how that went. Overall we just ignored each other except from the occasional dirty looks passed between me and Dakota.

I didn't have any clothes, so I had to go get some from the lost & found. Apparently they only had clothes for dwarfs as they we're all tiny but I'd have to make do. I mean how hard is it to have clothes all sizes. I'm not that tall either. The top came 2 inches above my belly button and was tight on the bust. Unfortunately the shorts were tight as well and came slightly above mid-thigh. The amount of gossiping already happening was ridiculous, I was still in the girls changing rooms!

"What a slut."

"Have you seen her clothes."

"She's basically begging for attention."

"I can't believe she going out looking like that."

"Look at all her tattoos."

Deciding to stop these tossers from continuing, I walked up to the nearest locker and banged on it harshly before shouting, pausing after every sentence to see if anyone wanted to try me, "Yes I'm wearing tight and short clothes, is that a problem!? Yes you can see my tattoos, is that a problem!? The difference between me and you is I didn't choose to have my tits falling out my top for P.E. unlike you lot!"

I pointed to a group of girls whose clothes were tighter then mine yet still chatting shit. It was pin drop silent after that until I heard Hannah cough and say, "Slut".

I was up to her menacingly, getting up in her face, whispering lowly, "What did you just say to me?" She looked like a deer caught in headlights. I slowly backed away from her before raising my voice again.

"You all saw or at least heard what I did to Dakota didn't you?" They all slowly nodded. "I can assure you I will do much worse to all of you if you don't shut your mouths. Just a reminder that not all Brits are friendly," I said before blowing a kiss and uncharacteristically skipping away.

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