{6} School shooter

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I was a woman on a mission. It had been a few days since I last went to school but I needed to find Danny or Al as I was in need of alcohol. The one day I need them I can't find them. It was lunch now and I still hadn't seen either of them but for some reason Dakota was still here. I guess I'll have to suck up my pride and ask him. When I told Eli I was going to go talk to Dakota he looked as if I had just told him I'm a school shooter.

"Hello Red. Finally decided to stop lying to yourself and accept that you want me," the cocky cunt said as leaned back in his chair, legs across the table, looking as relaxed as ever.

"The only time I'll want you it when pigs fly. Where are Danny and Al?"

"Well obviously they're not here."

"I don't need your sarcasm just give me their numbers I need them."

"What do I get if I give you their numbers?"

"The happiness knowing you did something useful for one in your life."

"No. Already done my charity for the month," he smirked.

"I'm about to slap that smirk off your face in a minute you son of a bitch."

"So scared." He shook his hands in mock fear. I glared at him, not appreciating the clear sarcasm.

"Now I'm gonna punch you cause I don't like the way your looking at me." I furthered my glare as I approached him but stopped myself from punching him.

"Chill out Red. I'll give you their numbers if you do me a favor."

"Your lucky I'm not boxing your face in how is that for a favour."

"You hit like a girl anyway."

This time I didn't restrain myself as I punched him on the cheek. Normally I'm not this aggressive but there's just something about him that always manages to rub me the wrong way. "How did that feel then?" I hummed in content.

"Your making really hard for me not to punch you right now Red," he said while holding a hand to his injured cheek and ignoring my comment. "I'll give you their numbers but now you deffo owe me a favor." Eventually I agreed as I couldn't put up with his shit for any longer.

To: Danny, Al

Yo, where you at? I need your help

From: Al

Come meet us @Eastside Crawford Apartments. It's an abandoned building.

To: Danny, Al

Would if I could. Don't have a ride.

From: Danny

Give us a minute.

I waited wondering what they were doing before I heard a grunt behind me and a shoulder push against me. "Come on looks like I'm playing chauffeur as well," Dakota grunted.

"What shit are you chatting now?"

"Danny and Al told me to bring you because I'm going there anyways."

"And you actually listened to them?"

"Just get in the fucking car before I drag you there myself."

"Fine but let me just make one quick pit stop before we go."

He rolled his eyes "Just meet me at my car it's a black corvette. Do you know what type of car that is or are you brainless and cars are just different colored type of objects to you?" He talked down to me as if speaking to a child.

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