{39} Thanksgiving

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Two weeks had soon passed and I had been trying to cope with my feelings for Carter. It didn't help that I had never realised how touchy we are with each other.

The adults, being Ella and Carson, had collectively decided we were doing thanksgiving so we were all going to Carson's. Ella had never celebrated thanksgiving before but Carson persuaded her to. Like a chain reaction my mum got invited and then all of us kids. 

I don't really get why we were doing it considering we're British but I'm using it as an excuse to dress up and eat nice food. Ella was buzzing through the roof when she realised she would be able to meet Carter.

I didn't know what to wear so I just put on a cropped knit turtleneck with cut-outs on the shoulders and leather pants.

Seemed like cooking was in the genes as I looked over the spread of food Carson and Carter had cooked. Like me, Danny and Al weren't the best chefs. I did find it slightly weird how Americans loved to mix sweet and savoury.

Ella had helped set up and I had to admit it all looked so cute; she was an event planner.

There was a bunch of carbs and cheese so I was fine. They had a marshmallow and sweet potato moment going on that I could strongly say I would not be touching.

Like the fancy people we were, we got sloshed before the dinner even started with box wine. We gulped it down like it was water.

We went around the table saying what we were thankful for. The adult all said how they were thankful for their significant other. Thanks for that mum. Did I forget to mention Kol came. When it was my turn I kept it short and simple. "I'm thankful that we moved here."

It was the truth just the shorter one. I am thankful for moving here. I am thankful for living near Eli. I was sad I had missed some of his most crucial years but I'm happy I'm here now and we could make up for it.

I am thankful for the boys. We may of had a slightly rocky start but we managed to patch things up quickly. And before I knew it I was attached to them. Somehow I had managed to worm my way into their little group and I couldn't be happier.

I would be eternally grateful for Danny and Al forcing Carter and I to get on because I got to know the real Carter. The one that wasn't a complete arsehole. The one I trust. The one that unknowingly helped me heal from the past and deal with the present. The one I like.

Every single one of them had managed to worm their way into my little black heart. They had changed me and I was thankful for that. Before I was so closed off, cold to others and I wouldn't even entertain the thought of making new friends. I mean now I was still cold to other people but I had just the thing I was missing in my life.

Lastly I'm thankful to myself. Sure it sound so self centred. But I'm happy and I'm happy that I allowed myself to find that joy.

It was a shame Tom couldn't be here but there would be some obvious tension if he did. Also it wasn't my house so I didn't have the right to invite him.

"What's up? You've been staring down at your plate with a creep smile for the last five minutes," Danny said poking my dimple. 

"Just a little tipsy that's all," I lied. 

"Do you wanna go somewhere later? Like the beach?" I nudged Carter before whispering.

"Yeah sure. Just you and me?" He put his arms around the back of my chair and leaned in. My stomach did that fluttery thing, which I learned was butterflies as Eli told me.

"Nah. I was thinking of asking all the boys." His face deflated slightly. "We don't have to go if you don't want to. If your tired or something we can just go another day."

Falling for redजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें