{28} Vector

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"I think I might go back to hating you," I grumbled but he just chuckled walking forward, dragging me behind him by the arm.

I barely got an hour of sleep before Carter was waking me up and forcing me to come to school. A ting sliver of regret lingered in my chest though I tried to not let it show. No girl really wants to be a sobbing mess let alone be sick in front of a guy. It's not like I have a crush on him or anything it's just embarrassing. To say the least my ego took a few hits. However I do feel much lighter after confiding in Carter.

As for forcing me to come to school, I know for a fact he doesn't give a fuck about going to school but he's sucking up to my mum. She asked him to get me up and take me to school and like the good obedient puppy he is, he followed her instructions. I wished he listened to me like that. I was about to ask why he's licking my mum's arse when we saw Eli and let me tell you it was a sight to see.

"Eli what on earth are you wearing?" I asked while trying to hold in my laugh.

"I'm not Elijah anymore. Elijah was my nerd name, now I am Vector!" He lifted his arms up making his cape rise on his Vector costume.

"Okay Vector. Wanna tell me why you wanted to wear that to school. You know where the public can see," I reminded him just in case he forgot, it's happened before. Looking him up and down I realised he had on the full attire including a helmet and glasses.

"I lost a bet. At first I was pissed but I think this is the real me, you know?" Just like that I had forgotten about any of my problems. Whether Eli knew it or not he always managed to cheer me up.

"Is that a fake nose?" Al shouted down the hall. This time I couldn't hold my laughter in as a chuckle escaped my lips looking at his prosthetic nose.

"Yo, where's Danny he needs to see this?" Carter asked with an amused smirk to Al once he had reached us. He really doesn't laugh much does he?

"I'm gonna call him now," Al managed to get out through his laughter. We got some strange looks but I don't know whether it was because they saw Al laughing or Eli, sorry should I say Vector's, outfit.

I saw a flash, then heard the noise of a camera. I turned to see who took a picture of the hooligan only to see Al talking to Danny on the phone and Carter looking at me before his focus turned to something behind me although he looked slightly confused. I heard a soft giggle come from the direction Carter was looking in to see a girl. She looked familiar but I couldn't place a name to her face. She was very small and dainty looking.

"Penny this is your fault," Eli exclaimed but by the grin on his face you could tell he didn't mean it. Her name didn't ring any bells but I could've sworn I seen her before and she doesn't look like the type to have a one night stand with Carter. As rude as this sounds Eli wouldn't like any one who did the deed with Carter because Carter would constantly mock him for having his 'sloppy seconds'. What can I say men are pigs. Also I'm assuming he likes her from the look on his face.

"I didn't expect you to wear all of this. I thought you would just put on an orange tracksuit," she replied softly.

"Who's your lady friend Eli?" I asked.


"Can I call her Penny as well?" I smirked, knowing it would set him off.

"Can I call Dakota Carter?" He asked rhetorically cause he knew the answer.

"Fuck off," Carter grumbled.

"Don't swear in front of Penny." They would've looked cute together but I can't take him seriously when he's dressed like that. She looks very kind and sweet but I would still love to interrogate Penelope although I have a feeling Eli would not like that.

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