{50} Baby

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"I need to tell you two dickheads something," I said smacking both of there heads and jumping over the back of the couch so I was seated in the middle of them.

"What's up?" I looked around to make sure Carter was no where near in site.

"I just wanted to let you know I love Carter. And before you get angry I swear down I didn't use you just to get closer to Carter. I really did hate him."

"Bitch please," Al scoffed. I looked at him in confusion.

"First of all you two never hated each other it was just sexual tension."

 "Secondly, we knew you've loved Dakota since you went psycho bitch on him when he got out on bail. That wasn't just friendly concern. That was I-love-you-don't-ever-do-that-again-to-me concern," Danny finished for him.

"Also he let you go in his race car. Literally no one is allowed in there, barring him."

"You also spend literally all day and night with each other. You guys are literally attached at the hip."

"The boy put on a peel off face mask for you."

"You stayed in on Halloween together."

"He doesn't shut up about all the things you lot do."

"I wonder what Red's doing right now," Danny mocked in Carter's voice.

"Red looked really nice today." Okay now they're just lying. There's no way Carter would say anything like that. I felt like I was in some sort of interrogation by the way they were going back and forth.

"Also he's given you a hickey."

"How did you know he did it?"

"Well I wasn't sure but now I'm positive. You two kept sending each other secret glances that weren't so secret."

"Right you can stop pointing it out. I can't believe everyone knew before me." I huffed.

"You just figured out now?" Al asked amused.

"About a week and a half."

"So did you think you were just close friends?" 

"Yes," I mumbled slightly embarrassed.

"Your an idiot."

"In my defence how was I supposed to know. I've never like anyone before."

"Yeah but you didn't do all the shit you do with Dakota with us. Plus Eli's been your best friend for like what eleven years, maybe more, and you don't act like that with him. There's a clear difference between friends and more than friends."

"Fine. Next time you like someone and don't realise, watch what I do." My eyes glided over to the large Christmas tree and I shot up, jerking the boys slightly.

"What am I gonna get him for Christmas?" 

"Christmas isn't for another two weeks and a bit, you have tonnes of time to think."

"That's really not a lot of time. And what if he doesn't like what I get him," I said worriedly.

"You could literally get him anything and he'd be happy with it."

"You need to get some girl friends. Just because you love Dakota doesn't mean I want to hear you ramble on about everything involving him."

"Or maybe not," Al mumbled once I glared fiercely at him.

"I'll be getting you fucking coal for Christmas." 

Once Carter descended down the stairs and previous conversation was cut off.

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