{32} Jail

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I woke up to Al hysterically pushing me. 

"Come downstairs quickly." Was all he said before leaving, not even giving me a chance to speak. He was lucky I managed to process what he had said in my zombie like state. The fuck is up with him? I sauntered down the stairs. I was gonna take my sweet time since Al decided to wake me up when it was still dark outside.

He was waiting at the bottom of the stairs looking like he was trying to mask the worry in his expression. As soon as I reached him he dragged me by the arm to the other boys. 

"Woah what's going on? And where's Carter?" Carson was stood there red faced looking fuming. Danny was attempting to calm him down. Key word attempt because Carson still looked like he was about to blow. I thought Carter would've been here with rest of the boys because he wasn't in his bed. But judging by the missing boy, I assume he's the reason for this whole debacle. 

"Dakota's in jail." Well that's one way to wake someone up.

"I beg your pardon? Did I just hear you correctly? Jail! For what!?"

"Assault." It was Danny that answered this time.

"Huh what happened?" I managed to splutter out through my shock. My mind was going a mile a minute after this revelation. I have a feeling I looked as angry as Carson. 

"That's what we're going to find out. We're going to go get him." I couldn't wait to get my hands on the idiot. I wondered how a simple, short conversation could cause the night to do a full 180.

After a few slams of several doors we were settled in the car. "When's he getting released?" My heart was beating rapidly as I awaited the answer. 

"As soon as we get there. He's getting out on bail. Though it's a tiny bit pricey."

"How much is it?"

"2000 dollars." If I had a drink in my mouth I would've spat it out.

"2000 quid. Why is it so expensive?" I felt like I was doing a lot of repeating but I couldn't help it.

"It's not his first conviction so they upped the price," Carson was the one that explained this time. The more I heard the angrier I got. So I opted to stay silent for the rest of the ride, deciding it was the better decision. I guess everyone else came to the same conclusion as me because the only thing heard was the occasional screech of tyres as Danny sped. Carson was way too unstable to drive, Al's leg looked like it was about to fall off by the amount it was shaking leaving Danny, who was the most level headed out of all of us.

We were parked outside county jail as they gathered the money for bail. If I had any I would've chipped in but I hadn't bought any money with me when I came to their house.

"Come on let's go get our boy back," Danny said obviously trying to lighten the mood. As much as it was appreciated it wasn't much help. 

Walking in Danny, Al and I sat in the waiting area while Carson gave the bail and sorted out the other nitty gritty details. Carson came soon after, sliding on to the chair with a huff. The atmosphere was so tense; me due to anger and I'm guessing the others because of his, to put it lightly, previous affairs. I seriously can't believe he got arrested for assault. I may sound like a hypocrite considering the amount of times I've been arrested but it has never been because I battered someone. It must have been pretty bad for them to lock him up, even if it was only for a few hours. 

After waiting for what felt like forever but in reality was five minutes we saw a dirty blonde head of hair and muscular frame. Once we spotted him we collectively let out a sigh of relief. He stayed facing the ground as Carson approached him. Only looking up when the other two joined them. I stayed behind, letting them have their brotherly moment. Although once he looked up I saw the damage on his face. Assessing his face I saw; a black eye, a bruise laid on the opposing cheek and a fuck load of dried blood around his nose. I grimaced at that. 

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