{56} Surprise

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I spent Christmas with the boys because my mum and Kol had fucked off somewhere. Of course I didn't mind spending Christmas with my boyfriend but it would've been nice of my mum to tell me beforehand instead of sending me a quick text on Christmas eve. Even though my mum wasn't with me this was the best Christmas I'd ever had. 

Eli had came for half of the day, he spent the rest of Christmas at Tom's with his siblings. Ella had stayed over here all day, given that Carson is her boyfriend.

Christmas dinner was odd to say the least because Robert was here, but I thought he was a nice addition. Their relationship was still on the rocks, he could never make up for all the years he was gone but he was certainly trying to. Everyone appreciated his efforts. 

So Christmas was a busy one. Plus the materialistic side of Christmas didn't hurt. I just needed to give Carter one more gift, although it was definitely a private one.

"You know I quite like this girlfriend thing. You're basically my bitch. I don't know why I didn't have one sooner," Carter said with a thoughtful look on my face.

"Cause no one puts up with your moody arse," I glared at him. "And I'm not your bitch as you kindly put it."

"You kind of are. You do basically everything for me." I tugged on his hair harshly as he insisted I was his 'bitch'.

"So you want me to stop doing shit for you?"

"Nope." I wanted to slap that stupid, perfect smile off of his face.

"Well now I know what you think I just might." I turned away from him, pretending to be angry.

"C'mon baby I was just playing," he chuckled. I mocked him as he put me on his lap.

I straddled him and said, "Someone's not getting another Christmas present."

"Don't need it. I already like everything you gave me."

"I have a feeling you'll prefer this one. Trust me," I whispered in his ear with a sultry undertone. 

"Christmas sex?"

"You know it," I winked. 

I grabbed his shoulders tightly when he stood up before he adjusted me so I was slung over his shoulder. I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his eagerness.

As soon as we were in his room he was ripping my clothes off. He discarded them on the floor leaving me in the black, lacy lingerie I bought for this occasion. I thought it clashed against my tan skin nicely, plus Carter's favourite colour is black.

"Surprise," I whispered as he stared at the one piece that had a plunging neck line. Seriously it was so low and barely any titty was covered but Carter didn't seem to mind.

"Don't rip it this time. This was expensive," I added as an afterthought. Over half of my undergarments were ripped at Carter's hand. He did make up for it by buying me new ones, only to rip them. Lets just say Carter wasn't the most patient.

"I'll buy you another one," he waved me off.

"Carter. No," I scolded. 

He pulled me into him by my hips, clearly ignoring my warning.

"Definitely better," he said lowly as his eyes travelled all over my body.

"So you didn't like my other gifts?" I jokingly pouted.

"Yep but this is so...so much better," he breathed as his view continuously changed from my lips to the rest of me. 

"What I'm saying is I only need you for Christmas to be happy. I don't need some materialistic thing. That better?" He said after seeing the look I was giving him.

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