{33} Revenge

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"Can you help me?" He asked quietly. It had been five minutes since he stomped past me and gone into his bathroom. I assume he was disinfecting any cuts he had, but was unsuccessful. How hard can it possibly be? 

I just huffed, proceeding to the bathroom. "Sit," I ordered, pointing to the counter. I started off with his face, completing it in silence. "Anywhere else?" He lifted up his knuckles to reveal their torn state. I ignored his winces as I applied the antiseptic to his knuckles. "Is that it?"

"No." He threw his arms around my waist, bringing me into him. "What do I have to do to get you to talk to me?" I kissed my teeth and turned my head away from him but of course he forced my face back in his direction. 

"You shouldn't have to do anything to talk to me. But also you shouldn't of done what you did. And then you don't even have the decency to tell any of us what happened or what you were even doing out in the first place. It's not like you to be out by yourself."

"I just don't want any of you to worry," he said pushing any loose strands out of my face.

"Too late for that. I've never seen Al like that, it just freaked me out even more."

"I'm sorry Red. It was dumb mistake. I was just so angry. It'll never happen again. I swear," he said sincerely.

"You bet your arse it won't happen again. Why were you so angry in the first place?" I questioned hesitantly. 

"That doesn't matter now."

"I think it does."

"Drop it," he said firmly.

"Fine but if you don't want to tell me at least tell the others," I sighed defeatedly. I knew I was being persistent but I really didn't want him to keep whatever was bothering him so much locked up. Look how him keeping it in ended but I was going to drop the subject now. There's no point forcing him to tell me something he clearly doesn't want to. Hopefully he would tell one of the boys.

"So we're okay now?" He said a small smile touching his lips.

I pretended to ponder over it. Truthfully I don't think I could be mad at him for so long. Sure what he did was stupid but he already knows that. I probably shouldn't be acting like I'm his mum either but I can't help but be concerned. Although someone needed to tell him how injudicious he was tonight. I care for him a lot, maybe more than I want to admit. 

I focused back on him when a felt a light smack on my arse. I looked at him flatly only to see a slight pout on his lips. He looked so adorable. "Yes we're good now," I relented.

"Brilliant." He placed a loud kiss on my cheek after that.

"Let's just go to bed," I chuckled pushing his shoulder slightly. Soon enough I was peacefully sleeping, after what felt like one of the longest days of my life.



"Red?" He said once everyone left the kitchen.


"I really am sorry about last night. You had to come get me even though you had your own shit going on."

"Don't worry about it. It's water under the bridge. You know you can talk to me right, no matter what shit I'm going through." Everyone goes through hardships, he shouldn't have to suffer in silence just because all we talk about is my problems. Ugh. Since when did I get so compassionate. I sound like one of them sappy bitches. "But if you really do feel bad you could make me breakfast."

"I don't think I'm feeling that bad," he said smirking.

"Make me food bitch," I ordered.

"Your not even gonna stay and keep me company?" He said once he saw me jump off the counter and head out the door.

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