{22} Caught

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"Why are we at a police station?" We had pulled up next to a police station and Carter had cut the engine signifying we were going to be here for a while.

"Because you have knack for art and I wanna piss some cops off. So get up and get out," I huffed but said nothing, complying with his demands. He brought a bag from the boot to me, to reveal a shit load of paint.

"You want us to graffiti a police station?" I asked clarifying. Surprised when he nodded then again what else should I expect from him.

We went to the side of the building where I started my masterpiece. Just like with Eli I did the outline, letting them fill it in as I added the shadows and dimension. It was quite hard to do considering it was dark as shit and only had the flashlight from a phone. In addition to that we had to be extremely quiet so we didn't get caught. Though time flew by much quicker, especially when I had six helping hands.

"Almost done yet?"

"Yeah, I just need to do the finishing touches." I bit my cheek in concentration as I added my signature. What type of artist would I be if I didn't leave my mark? "And...Done," I said taking my finger off the trigger of the spray paint can.

"Well it definitely stands out." Danny wasn't wrong. The large piece of art popped against the 2D brick wall.

"At least the blue matches. It brings it all together," I joked.

Apparently luck wasn't on our side today because as soon as I went to take a picture, a copper exited the station, the sound from my phone alerting him of our presence. My dumbass forgot to turn it on silent. If that didn't make him notice us I'm sure my large fucking flash did. We were so screwed!

He started approach us so we did the only rational thing anyone would do in this situation. We legged it. Considering there was only one way for us to go because he was coming straight at us, and we were sandwiched between two walls, we had to leave the car behind. We all turned around running, climbing over a fence exposing us to a forest. Danny and Al went one way, me and Cart went the other. I thought this was gonna be piss easy but apparently my stamina isn't how it used to be in my cross country days.

"Hurry up," he said not sounding an ounce out of breath.

"I'm going as fast as I can bitch."

"Well it's not fast enough." Taking into account of his massive footsteps and the fact that he seemed to be a very good runner, he was much more ahead than me.

"Why have you stopped running?" I asked alarmed when I had caught up to him.

"Jump on my back."

"What? Why?"

"Now isn't the time for questions. Speak later." I grabbed his shoulders boosting myself up as I wrapped my legs around his torso. I let my arms loosely dangle around his neck as I turned around to see if I could spot the officer anywhere near us. He was tailing us. 

Even though I knew this information I couldn't help but giggle. I hadn't had a piggy back ride in so long and I felt so tall. Plus adrenaline is a crazy motherfucker. We had almost lost him until Cart lost his footing and fell with me right on top of him.

"Fuck!" We both shouted knowing there was no way we could get out of this as the copper was right behind us and Carter didn't seem like he was in any condition to be running. Once I got myself up and dusted off, I offered a helping hand to Carter. Instead of helping him up it had the opposite effect, it actually dragged me down, so I fell on top of him for a second time. Before I knew it we were cuffed and taken to the station.

We sat in a holding cell when another officer came and lectured us, most of it I didn't listen to. He said something along the lines of, "You should respect your authorities." "You could go to jail for this." "It's kids like you that make our jobs harder." Oh and this one was my favourite. "Do you know how disrespectful it is to vandalise a building. Not just any building but a precinct. There is nothing funny about a pig in our uniform."

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