{49} Rawr

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I woke up to someone pounding on the door. 

"Ughhh," I groaned as I covered my ears with my pillow to block out the sound but it carried on. Then I could feel my back vibrating. I put my hand under my back to pull out my phone. Carter was ringing me. 

"What do you want?" He was interrupting my beauty sleep so I wasn't a happy camper to say the least.

"Good morning to you too! Open your door."

"Go fuck a rabbit."

"Please Red. You wouldn't want me too freeze out hear would you."

"Argh," I mumbled incoherently just to get him to shut up. I ended the call and got up only to fall back down. I unwrapped the blanket around my ankle with another groan of annoyance. I rubbed my bleary eyes as I walked down the stairs.

I swung the door open, muttering angrily, "It doesn't even get cold here. It's California."

"Ah-ah we're in December now. It gets freezing around this time," he tsked. 

"Feels fine to me."

"That's cause your inside." He pushed past me kicking the door shut behind him. "Feel how cold my hands are." Rather than putting his hands on mine or on my face like a normal person he put his hands under my hoodie and grabbed my waist. I jerked away from him, replacing his hands with mine, which gathered my hoodie above my waist.

"Oh yes. Invite yourself in. Are you even listening to me?" I said once I saw him much more focus on something else. I followed his eyeline to see him staring at my lace underwear. Shit. I was so tired I forgot to put some pants on. I instantly dropped my hands so my hoodie covered me.

"You didn't have to do that Red. I was quite enjoying the view." My cheeks burned as he walked closer to me. I gasped ready to smack his hands away from me when he placed them on my arse when he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around him as a reflex.

"Carter what are you doing?" I asked him as he put me on the marble counter. I was about to complain about the counter being bloody freezing but I lost focus when his hands started making their way up my thighs, caressing them.

"I'm not doing anything," he said as his nose started run up and down my neck before he started to leave quick kisses nipping my skin every now and then.


"Yeah?" My voice came out much more breathless than before.

"Get ready for school," he said completely pulling away from me.

"You..." I started with narrowed eyes.

"Me what?" He said innocently. I huffed jumping off the counter. His hand came down and slapped my arse. 

"Horse rimmer." 

I choose to ignore that moment like I did the last time he gave me a hickey. I also bashed the irrational voice in my head that said he might like you back. I didn't want to get my hopes up because he was probably just feeling horny. 



I walked into the mainly empty class and froze. Eli was in a cat onesie and was being held in the middle of the air by Danny and Al. Circle of life was blasting through a speaker.

"Rawr!" Eli purred, clawing his hands in the air.

I connected eyes with Eli first, who was smiling goofily, then Danny, who looked like he didn't have a care in the world, and then I connected eyes with Al, who looked like he was caught doing a crime. I slowly backed out of the class not knowing whether I should laugh or be concerned. I felt slightly disturbed so I pushed that memory in a box labelled 'Do NOT open! Ever'.

I pulled back Carter's arm when he went to go into class. "Let's go take a walk." 

I know I said I would ignore what happened in the morning but it was becoming increasingly difficult to forgot when I kept replaying it in my head.

I mean you don't just do that for no reason. But he's given me no hints he likes me. I hate overthinking about shit when I don't even get any answers out of it. I decided I'm just gonna go with the flow. 

By time it was lunch Eli still had his fucking cat onesie on and it was giving me flashbacks from this morning. He was currently playing football in it. "Who's the lucky guy?" Danny asked pointing to the side of my neck. 

"Oh just this random guy. He's really cute though with auburn hair and green eyes," I sighed dreamily while describing the opposite of Carter. I received a pinch on my thigh when I lied. 

"We're gonna go get food, you coming?"

"No we're fine," Carter answered for me.

"What if I was hungry?" I said looking up until his face came in view. We were sitting on the bleachers but he was behind me.

"I just took you for food. Your not hungry." I was about to argue back when a football came flying our way and hit me directly in the tit.

"Oww. Fucking hell that hurts. Eli I'm gonna kill you!" I shouted so he could hear me but he just kept spinning around trying to chase his tail. "I need a fucking massage after that."

"I'll do it."

"Of course you would," I said letting out a noise of question when he threw his big jacket over me. Then I felt his hands crawl up my back. 

"Carter no." I didn't have a bra on is what I wanted to say. But it was too late, his hands had already made their way up to mountain city.  

"Relax Red." He didn't seem to realise he was touching my bare breasts. It actually felt really nice so I let him continue. The jacket made sense now. His thumbs brushed over my nipples making them hard. I let out a quiet moan and Carter froze. He squeezed my boobs and said, "Your not wearing a bra are you?"

"No." I said but it came out as a moan as he squeezed again.

"This is gonna be fun," he chuckled. When the boys came back he was still giving me a massage, if you could even call it that. It was more of him just playing with my boobs. I had to cough to hide my moans every time he'd pull on my nipples.

I don't know what Cart was doing with me but I liked it.

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