{37} Amazing

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I reached up taking a bite out of the apple in Carter's mouth as we walked down the school corridor. He took the apple out of his mouth throwing me a smirk as he chucked his arm over my shoulders.

I gotta go take a leak, I'll see you in a bit," I said leaving a kiss on his cheek before walking off to the toilets.

I really need to ask Eli what the fuck it is I'm feeling because I can't figure it out for the life of me. You would think Eli wouldn't be the best at giving advice or explaining things to me but because of his overdramatic tendencies he understands my emotions straight away when I explain them.

Back to the present, too focused on dumping out the contents of my bladder I managed to miss the pair of eyes fiercely glaring at me.

I met back up with Carter and we continued to roam the halls with no destination.

"Why is there a hand on my boobs?" I was startled to say the least when a body popped up in front of me and then place their hand directly on my boobs.

"Ew!" The girl who currently had her hand on my tatas exclaimed. Looking at her I realised she had similar features to me with her red hair and grey eyes. Except the features we shared we much more darker on her.

"Says the bitch that's literally holding my boobs. Fucking move your hand before I move it for you," I snapped.

"Okay," she scoffed with a sickly smile. Before I could grab her hand she pushed me so hard my body slammed into the lockers. Damn! This bitch is strong.

I looked at her with narrowed eyes, shouting, "What the fuck!"

"Why did my boyfriend have his arm around you?" Not this bullshit again. Are all the girls at this school so delusional? Do they have to be so cliché and come after Carter? Whenever I'm with Danny or Al this never happens.

"I'm not your fucking boyfriend Sandra," he spat out pulling me next to him. That's when it clicked. She was the girl getting it on with Carter the other day.

"My name's Sarah!" She exclaimed while flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"Aren't you one of Hannah's lap dogs?" I could've sworn I saw her hanging around with Hannah.

She glared at me as her face started to heat, an action that I, myself had done one too many times. She was angry. "I'm not her lap dog."

"Okay let's pretend your not. You're her friend?" I offered. She gave back a stiff nod in response although she looked confused.

"So Carter-"

"Who's Carter?"

"First of all don't interrupt me. Second of all who do you think it is?" I snarled.

"Can I call you Carter?" Who did she think she was?

"No I fucking hate when anyone calls me that." I know we were getting off track but I couldn't help but look at Carter with raised brows. It was kind of an unspoken rule that no one else called him that but I didn't know it was because he didn't like it.

"Anyone except you," he clarified. I sent him a soft smile before looking back at the delusional bitch.

"Look I don't have time for this. So as I was saying last time I checked Hannah was the only one that fucked Carter. Not you. Which makes you irrelevant. I bet you were a little bitch watching on from the side lines as Carter and Hannah were in love.

Hell, you even had the chance to get with him the other day but you still managed to fuck it up, you're that much of a dumbarse. You were so desperate and you still couldn't get him to fuck you. And he fucks anything with a set of tits and vagina. Now get out of my fucking face you beg," I growled ignoring the strange emotion that came over me.

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