{44} Pity

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I tried to tell him everything without any details but he pried them out of me. The only part I left out was the cigarette bit but I had a feeling he would force me to talk about that later. By the end he wasn't only fuming at my dad. He was fuming with me. 

"Why the fuck would you do that? Are you fucking stupid! You could have DIED! I DON'T THINK YOUR UNDERSTANDING!" He roared at me. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU TELL HIM TO SHOOT YOU? ARE YOU ASKING FOR A DEATH WIS-" He continued to scream but I didn't let him finish.

"I GET IT! I get it! What I did was fucking stupid! No need to tell me again and again."

"I think I do need to tell you again and again cause it seems to be going in one fucking ear and out the other."

"Stop acting like your my fucking dad!" I screamed.

"Well someone needs to considering yours just tried to FUCKING KILL YOU AND YOU WERE JUST GOING TO LET HIM!" 


The door burst open revealing Danny. "Both of you stop screaming at each other. Your getting nowhere."

"It's not my fault she acted like a fucking idiot," Carter said frustrated, clutching his roots.

"Oh thankyou! Just what I wanted to fucking hear. You know if you were gonna act like this you might as well of just left me there," I said throwing the pillow on my lap back on the bed.

"What? So you can burn yourself with cigarettes again!" The air went deathly silent after that. Danny stood frozen at door his eyes switching between mine and Carter's to see who was gonna snap first.

I silently stood up, struggling only slightly and screamed, "GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU TWAT!"

"Red," he sighed.

"That was a fucking low blow and you know it was," I said turning my back on him and walking out the door. My body was practically fully numb so it was a fairly easy task. 

"Don't look at me like that," I said to Danny once I saw his face. Pity. Sympathy I'll accept but I will not take pity. "Scarl-"

"Where's Al?" 

"In his room." 

I slammed the door open without knocking and I regretted it. I covered my hands with my face straight away not wanting to see his dick. 


"Sorry. Didn't know you were having a wank."

"Why would you not knock on a teenage boys door?"

"If you want to converse with me put your dick away. Or finish and then come talk to me."

"Ya. Don't tell Dakota this happened or he will slit my throat."

"Don't worry I'm not talking to him."

"So I'm just the replacement," he teased.

"We can have this conversation in five minutes. Hurry up." I turned around, still blind and just kind of stood in the hallway. I couldn't go to Carter's room. I didn't want to even look at Danny. Al was busy having a wank and Carson wasn't here. I don't know if I could make it down the stairs and then back up.

I'll just have Al carry me back up after watching him wash his hands.

"I don't know how I feel knowing you got hard after I told you my dad tried to kill me. Do you have some sort of death kink?" I said casually when Al came downstairs. 

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