{30} Violated

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"Your tits look like their gonna fall out their whatever this contraption is." Was the first comment I received from Al as soon as I walked into school. I knew it was a bad idea to wear this. We made a quick pit stop at my house on our way to school so I didn't have to wear Carter's clothes like I had been the last couple of times I fell asleep at theirs. So I grabbed the first thing in my drawers which happened to be this lace corset top. Due to my already fairly large boob size it made them look massive, which was something I didn't need in a school full of teen boys.

"Really? I felt like it was too much boobage for school but Cart said it was fine."

"Yeah it's more than fine," Carter said smirking very clearly looking down at my chest.

I whacked him across the head for that. "My eyes are up here you cheeky git."

"Yup tonnes of tits. Hey but I'm not complaining either."

This time I didn't need to whack Al across the head as Carter did it for me, "Her eyes are up there you dick."

I cut in seeing Al's mouth open, knowing something stupid would come out his mouth to tick Carter off. "Can you give me your hoodie please?"

"Why? I'm enjoying the view."

"Yeah I know. That means that if you are, so is the rest of the male population here." After that he willingly gave me it. "Thank you."

"You didn't think about the other guys here?" Al inquired with a face that practically said 'are you dumb?'.

"No. Sorry I don't like spending my free time thinking about how the puny bastards around Crawford would react to Red's marvellous tits."

"Marvellous?" I mused laughing with Al.

"Figure of speech," he said unconvincingly. "Bitch," he added in as if for good measure.

"Okay buddy," Al chuckled out.

"Al are you 18?" It was much later now, we were gathered around our lunch table as I tried to find out the boys' age. I already knew Carter was 18 and Eli was 17 so I just had to find out Danny's and Al's.

"Nope not yet."

"Danny. You 18 yet?"


"So do you and Carter wanna go buy me a shit ton of fireworks?" I had a nice smile on my face, hoping I could persuade them.

"Why would we do that?"

"For bonfire night duh."

"Eeee we're doing bonfire night," Eli squealed. Yes squealed, like a piglet may I add.

"Of course we are. Why are you so excited?" Usually I would drag him along with me for bonfire night so seeing him in his raw piglet form about this was strange.

"We stopped doing it when we moved here. My family is just like a fat sack of potatoes. I feel like I'm the only not lazy one in that family. I'm so athletic." He threw in an odd praise to himself.

"You can't even run for a minute without falling babe. In fact you can't even run for a minute so." As soon as I said 'babe' I received a light kick under the table from Carter. I stuck my tongue out at him in return. "Plus need I remind you your dad's an ex navy SEAL."

"He is?!" Al and Danny shouted looking alarmed. Multiple heads turned to look at us as we were in the canteen but we just ignored them. By now me and Eli were used to the peers zoo watching like behaviour around the boys.

"Yeah why?" Eli questioned.

"So basically your telling me he is a big, scary man with loads of muscles?" Al checked for confirmation.

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