{31} Don't fucking lie

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I knocked once and waited patiently for someone to open the door before realising I just imagined doing it. Then I pounded on the door until it opened, showing Danny. 

"Cock boy!" By now the alcohol had hit me like a ton of bricks. Literally. I felt like a ton of bricks. So as I went in for a hug I tripped over my own feet. Luckily Danny caught me before I could actually fall. 

"Are you drunk?" Danny said while laughing.

"Your door didn't fall off. So why did mine?" I muttered, feeling less vibrant than before.

"Definitely drunk," he confirmed with a nod of his head.

"I n-need to see Cart," I said hiccupping. His face froze so I poked it to see if it would unfreeze. "Hello? Anybody home?" I waved my hand in front of his face as I giggled at my own joke.

"Dakota's busy."

"But I need to see him. It's super duper important. Pleaseeee?" I smiled sweetly hoping it would sway him.

"No can do."

"That always works with Carter," I huffed crossing my arms.

"Does it? Tell me more," he said with a funny grin.

"He's basically a big teddy bear. My big teddy bear. He gives the best hugs. He's super kind as well. He's like this kind," I said stretching my arms as far as I could to show how kind Carter was. "Now it isn't Scarlett and Danny time. It's Red and Carter time. So if you don't mind." I tried pushing him out the way but he wouldn't budge. 

"I do mind."

"Uh-uh mister move," I said pointing my finger in his face.

"Didn't anybody tell you it's rude to point."

I retracted my hand as soon as he said that, apologising. "Sorry. It's just I have a big emergency and I neeeeed to tell Carter about it. I feel like I'm about to cry. Do you feel like your about to cry? Your face doesn't look like your about to cry. Oh no I'm going to cry and I haven't even told Carter yet," I stated feeling my eyes start to well up as I panicked.

His face morphed into one of concern before he sighed saying, "Okay okay don't cry. Go see him. He's in his room but I don't think you want to cry right now because he has company-"


"No. As I was saying I don't think you'll want to cry in front of his... friend."

"I won't cry. Thank youuu," I said clapping my hands together. 

Stumbling up the stairs, slowing down after Danny shouted behind me, "Stop running!" 

I came to stop at Carter's door, eyes dry now, before pushing it open to see him sitting up, but he was in a funny position. He was turned around as if facing something. He whipped his head around once he heard the door opened but my focus didn't stay on him. It drifted to the person next to him. More specifically the girl next to him with smudged lipstick. I didn't like what I was seeing but I didn't know why.  "Who's the girl?" I asked with more aggression than needed. I'm blaming the alcohol.

"I'm Sarah," she said snootily. I scrunched my face up glaring at her only for a moment before looking back at Carter. Only to see his face looking like a child getting caught doing something they weren't supposed to.

"I need to talk to you." I pointed at him before quickly putting my hand back down because I remembered Danny said it was rude. Also because I started swaying again. I leaned back on the wall to support myself. "It's about Aubrey's ex husband." I was hoping he'd catch on because I did not want to point out the fact I would be talking about my dickhead dad in front of Sarah. His eyes widened once he realise who I was talking about. We both looked at her waiting for her to leave. "Scram!" I said when she still hadn't moved.

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