{9} Christmas miracle

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I woke up on Monday with a pounding headache. I wanted to go back to sleep but I needed to get Eli up and go to school. Normally I would just miss school but my mum said I need to get my attendance up.

I've been trying to wake Eli up for ten minutes but he's just not waking up. I even RKO'd him and he still didn't wake up. I checked for his pulse and yes he was still breathing so I got a bucket of ice cold water and dumped it on him. That woke the motherfucker up. Before he could let out his pterodactyl like scream I put my hand over his mouth so he didn't wake up the whole house, make my headache worse and make his own headache worse.

"Morning sunshine," I said.

"How are you so happy? It's 10 in the morning and I feel like I'm gonna die." So maybe he wouldn't of woke up the whole house but it's the thought that counts.

"Seeing you in pain makes me happy plus you're a lightweight."

"Get me some Tylenol."

"Okay bossy. Can't believe there's no paracetamol over here."

"You should've smuggled some in."

"And have me get put in box. I don't think so."

Eli randomly groaned halfway through our conversation and I looked at him waiting for an explanation. "I can't go to school today seriously S that place has negative energy and I don't need that energy around my dead corpse. My body is a temple."

"You should've though about your body being a temple before you knocked back 20 shots and blacked out."

"How many shots did you have?" He changed the topic.


"What the fuck. How are you not dead?"

"It's a Christmas miracle."

"It's nowhere near Christmas we're still in September and your not Scrooge."

"Eliiii. If I give you some Tylenol and you don't go to school, will you shut up and leave me alone? I can't believe you still can't shut up even when your hung over," I whined.

"Yes sir," He saluted.

Once we both took our Tylenol Eli asked, "How are you gonna get to school?"

"I'll probably text Danny and see if he can pick me up."

"Won't he be in lessons."

"Do you think them lot care?"


To: Danny

Can you pick me up?

From: Danny

Sure where from?

To: Danny

11 Grove Drive.

From: Danny

Be there in ten.

To: Danny


Honking alerted me Danny was here. "Eli I'm off have a fun day in pain."

"I hope you get run over."

Once I got in his car he said, "You look like shit."

"Thanks. Sure know how to make a girl feel special. I'm hungover," I said whilst doing my seat belt cause safety first kids.

"How much did you have to drink?"

"32 shots."

"Damn you can hold your shit."

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