{2} First encounter

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We had study hall next and had to sit in alphabetical order so again I couldn't sit next to Eli since his surname was Diem. I was a bit lost on where to park my rear end so I just decided to sit in the only empty seat which coincidentally was next Alex. "What's your last name?" I asked.

"Rossi." Well it's close enough to Pierce so I decided to just sit here. Eli was sat in the front all chatty chatty with Danny. For someone who warned me of them he didn't seem to mind talking to Danny.

I decided to take a nap. I finally found a comfy position, with my legs crossed and other limbs resting on the table. Though my comfort didn't last long as seconds later I was rudely interrupted by someone pulling my chair back. I raised my head ready to shout at whoever it was when their face finally came into my view. 

It was Dakota and that just made me even more pissed off. He was extremely good looking as he had that whole dirty blonde hair, grey/blue eyes thing going for him. His piercings probably grasped people's attention; he had a nose piercing, an eyebrow piercing and both his ears. 

What a shame he was a right prick.

"Ugh. What can I do for you your majesty?" I asked uninterested.

"You can get the fuck out off my seat," he snarled with a scowl on his face.

See I would like to say I'm a generally nice person so if he would've asked me nicely I would've considered it. But he didn't ask, I was clearly trying to sleep, its him and I'm hungry it's almost lunch.

My mind lingered on that last thought as my stomach grumbled so I turned around, imbecile forgotten asking, "Hey, what's a lady got to do to get some food around here?" I was ignored by everyone, including Eli. Couldn't these ruthless people understand I was not going to be able to function without consuming something. I turned back to Dakota saying, "Unless you give me food I will not be moving."

"What?" He looked flabbergasted. It seemed like he had had enough as he slammed his both his hands on the desk and then tried to pull me off this seat. Yes, this seat, not his seat.

Now I was he was really getting on my nerves. "Bloody hell!" I shouted trying to pry his hands off me.

The teacher looked up to see what all the commotion was about as her eyes narrowed on me and Dakota she shouted, "What are you doing Dakota? And who are you Miss?"

"She's sitting in my chair."

"I'm new and the name's Scarlett."

"Dakota stop arguing! Go get another chair from another class room and sit in between Alex and Scarlett."

On his way out, I stuck my leg out so he tripped and it worked. When he stood back up he glared at me as I smirked and waved bye while joyously saying, "Toodles."

"As for you Scarlett, you should think about first impressions as you're not setting a great one right now."

"But Miss I didn't do anything," I whined.

She sighed saying, " In the future try not to cause a commotion." I just huffed in reply.

When Dakota returned he didn't look pleased to be sitting next to me, with his jaw clenched and nostrils flared. Yeah the feelings mutual buddy! But all of a sudden like a light bulb went off in his head he whipped his head around to me with a creepy smile. I knew by that nothing good was going to come from this and I dreaded thinking of what he was going to do. The teacher had to leave to go collect worksheets or something. I don't know I wasn't really focusing but it just confirmed that this definitely wasn't going to turn out good.

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