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A/N There will be a lot of British slang, if you don't understand what it means ask and there will be no coronavirus. Also there will be a lot of swearing so if you don't like that then you might not like this story.


Scarlett POV

"Mum please tell me why we have to move again?" I whined, still refusing to accept I was moving halfway across the world in less than 2 hours.

Mum sighed, probably fed up of the sulking I've been doing for the past week. But could you blame me? I was leaving the wonderful city of Bradford-maybe not that wonderful-just to go to California. "Because darling, the job offer requires for me to move there and I'm not going to leave you alone here. Besides it would be a fresh start where you can act like a well behaved lady."

"Hey I am a well behaved lady," I said as I sat up straighter and crossed one leg over the other to prove my point. This was much more ladylike compared to my previous slumped position with my legs spread widely open. The silence after that only lasted for 10 seconds before we burst into laughter.

"Anyways you'll get to see Eli." I instantly perked up as a small smile came across my lips at the thought of my bestfriend and being able to see each other all the time. The sound of beeping broke us out of our conversation.

"Taxi's here," Mum said, a little too enthusiastically for my liking.

As we headed to the airport I gave my final goodbyes to the only home I've ever known for my whole 17 years on earth. I didn't have much on me as most of our stuff had already been moved to our new house, against my wishes. 

As soon as I boarded the plane and sat down, I drifted off in to a peaceful sleep. I woke up 8 hours later to see we only have an hour and a half left. I distracted myself with mediocre movies and before I knew it the flight was over.

Heading to our new house was a blur although once we arrived the excitement kicked in. Okay so maybe I was excited to see our house, what I was not excited for was all the American people. As you can tell by now I'm not the fondest of Americans, guess it's a British thing.

"Ooooohhhh," I whistled as I saw the size of our house. It wasn't a mansion, if anything it was slightly below an average size house but it was much bigger than our last one. With 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms : 1 upper, 1 lower and the essential kitchen and living room.

It had been a few hours later and we had set up the living room, kitchen and the bathrooms leaving the bedrooms for tomorrow so we could paint them before putting our furniture in. I moved an air mattress in my room before doing my daily scroll on all my social medias, then going to sleep.

The day after I live my interior design dreams; painting and decorating my room. I looked from wall to wall admiring the sparks of personality in my room. From dull and drab to colourful and pleasing. It also slightly looked like a thirteen year old boy's room with my Rick and Morty posters, UK & US rap posters, favourite album covers and vinyls. The only sign that I wasn't a prepubescent boy that spends all his time only gaming was the white, thin, flowy curtains.

The layout of my room was simple; bed in the corner, desk in the other corner, my chest of drawers in front of my bed with my TV and Xbox on top it and a set of Alex drawers next to it. I was happy I now have a double bed although I doubt I'm going to use it a lot as I'm probably going to stay at Eli's most of the time. Since that took up the whole day I was exhausted and went back to sleep; meaning Sunday was my last day before I went to school.

When I woke up I decided I had done far too much work the past two days and decided to have a lazy day. I binge watched all of the Shrek movies and ate greasy food that was awfully cold because I got it delivered. That night everything fully hit me, my excitement dominating my other feelings as I impatiently waited to surprise Eli with my arrival. 

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