{41} Shoot me

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My blood ran cold as I heard the deafening bang. But in that moment I only had one thought running through my head. I never got to tell Carter I'm in love with him.

The bullet whizzed passed me shattering a cup next to me that I didn't even know was there. This time I couldn't mask my fear and once he caught sight of it he looked like he was over the moon.

"What was it your were saying? 'I won't shoot' well that looked like a bullet to me," he said with a sinister grin.

"Come on dad even I could do better than that. Either your aim wasn't good enough or you still didn't shoot me. You want to use it properly I'll show you." Of course everything I was saying was just for show. He may be able to shoot me, who knows, but being a killer isn't in me. "Oh come on. You can't be scared of a girl holding a gun just because she has bigger balls than you."

"I think your forgetting who your talking to," he said sending another fist my way. I doubt I could ever forget who I was talking to. It bought me joy getting under his skin. Maybe I enjoyed it because I was just as sick as him. Or maybe I enjoyed it because I had never done it before, never felt this power before even though I was still on the ground.

He was still crouched down next to me so I hooked my arm around his neck bringing him so close to me our foreheads were touching. Just the contact made my skin crawl but I needed to do it to knock him down a peg or two.

"Shoot me then. Fucking shoot me," I said lowly. Then I grabbed the gun and guided it to my forehead. I felt the cool metal rest against my skin and in a way it was soothing. It cooled down the hot skin in that area.

"Do it. Do. It. FUCKING SHOOT ME!" I screamed right in his face. Seemingly that gave him enough ammunition as I saw his finger curl around the trigger. He started to press down and that's when I did it.

I moved my body out the way with great effort, hearing the bullet break something else. I knew if there was one glass behind me, there would probably be two but I wasn't positive. I reached behind me grabbing the glass and smashing it against his head. He gripped his head with two hands, dropping the gun. The impact staggered him and he toppled over.

I used my good hand and pushed myself up, letting out an large wince as I felt the shards of glass getting stuck in my hand. Forgot about that. Now I had two fucked hands. I powered through the pain knowing I had enough strength to take him on.

I stood up swaying slightly but sent a kick to his ribs. I had no time to waste. I kicked him a couple more times to make sure he wouldn't get back up.

I decided to take a page out of his book and rammed my foot into his chest. "Doesn't feel so nice does it?"

"Go to hell," he wheezed out.

"Well your here so I think I already am." I kept my foot on his chest trying to think of what to do. I hadn't thought this far along. I couldn't kill him. I could still shoot him though, just not in a crucial area. Would I even be able to pick up the gun?

I couldn't call 999. I can't believe I even thought of the earlier. My mum would find out plus we probably wouldn't be able to afford the ambulance bill.

Should I just knock him unconscious. The choice was taken from me, when I looked down he was knocked out. I slapped across the face, with my foot, a couple of times to make sure he wasn't faking. I still wasn't fully convinced. I kicked him across the ribs and knew he was really unconscious when he didn't flinch. 

I looked at the gun hoping it would just shoot him itself. I knew this wasn't going to be over until he was dead but I can't kill him. Not only do I not have it in me but I don't know the first thing about hiding a body. I wouldn't even be able to move him by myself with the state I'm in. I'm only seventeen, I have my whole life ahead of me. I'm not going to prison because of this prick.

Whilst I figure out what to do I need to restrain him, on the off chance he wakes up. The bastard's like a fly he just doesn't go away so I give him about half an hour before he wakes back up. I went in my mum's room searching her draws until I found a pair of handcuffs. I would just like to mention my mum's not a police officer.

I cuffed his hands in front of him, this was not going to be a movie where he found a safety pin and started to pick the lock. These bitches was staying right in front of me where I could see them.

I kicked the gun as far as possible so he had no chance of grabbing it.

leaving him there I went to the kitchen and grabbed my mums sleeping pills. I crushed five of them up- the recommended was one-and put them in a cup, filling it up with water. Adrenaline still ran through my body limiting the pain I felt.

I found another pair of handcuffs, this one a fluffy red-I'm guessing my mum likes the colour red-and cuffed his ankles.

I spent half an hour adjusting him, into a sitting position, with one hand. Doing it with one hand took the piss and was incredibly frustrating but the timings worked out perfectly as he started to regain consciousness.

"Hi daddy dearest." He squeezed his eyes shut once the light hit him.

"Drink up. This is the one time I'm gonna be nice so if you don't want to stay dehydrated then I recommend you drink it. I'm not gonna feed you." Apparently his brain wasn't working properly as he just nodded. I put the cup up to his mouth making sure he drank every last drop. It wasn't long before he was conked out.

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