{40} I'll fucking kill you

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"Bye sunshine," Al said before speeding away. I walked inside my house, excited for the first time since this whole Killian fiasco has started. My mum wasn't home yet but I was fine with that, I felt safe.

I was only staying home for two hours before I was supposed to meet up with the boys anyways.

I was locking the door when a voice behind me said, "Hello Evie." I felt as if a bucket of ice cold water was thrown over me. Why for a fucking second would I think I was safe here? Because the locks were changed? Why was I so fucking stupid?

I could feel my throat closing up but I forced myself to take a deep breath. I tried to discreetly unlock the door again but he was right behind me, his breath on my neck sending a shiver down my spine, pulling me on to the sofa.

I looked at him but I refused to show any emotions even through my mind was in turmoil. So face guarded, I observed him. He hadn't changed much over the years except he became more bulkier. I swallowed thickly when I realised that meant he was stronger.

I hadn't looked at his face yet, too scared I would break down if I saw him. Once I finally got the courage to look at him I felt the wind get knocked out of me as I saw the identical grey eyes staring back at me.

He face was full of maliciousness, no fake sweetness. His face was adorned in bruises but I didn't have it in me to care or wonder if he got hurt. But apparently he wanted to tell me once he caught me looking at the bruises. 

"How do you think I felt knowing my daughter had her friends do this to me?" What the fuck is he on about? I didn't say anything back, too scared to reply.

Before I knew it my wrist was in his grip. He gripped it so tight I was worried it'd snap. I pressed my lips firmly together in hopes I would let out any noises of pain, knowing it would bring him satisfaction. Tears were beginning to well up in my eyes. I closed my eyes refusing to let them show. 

"Don't ignore me girl," he boomed even though I right next to him.

Suddenly I couldn't take it anymore, the pain becoming unbearable. I actually thought he would break my wrist. "Stop! I don't know what your on about."

He nodded with a proud look on his face. "You have more resistance than before." He released my wrist. I automatically bought it into my chest observing the bright red mark on it. I tried to rub it in hopes of soothing it but found out just a simple touch hurt like a bitch. "I don't think that was very nice of you. Next time you try to pull that stunt again I'll do the same to you. And they broke my ribs." 

I nodded rather than arguing back that I had no clue what he was on about. I did not want to poke the bear. 

"Now that I've made that clear we'll wait here for your mother. She should be home in an hour." I have to stay with him for an hour  was my first thought. My second thought being my mum. She can't see him under any circumstances. I've done a fairly good job of keeping her out of the loop so far and I plan to keep it like that.

I tried to think of a plan that would let me contact her. Me going to the bathroom straight after he said that would be suspicious. Lucky for me he did that himself. "Go make me some fucking food." He would probably beat me after finding out I can't cook but it gave me enough time to ring mum.

"Any preferences?" I said shakily.

"No just do your best," he said calmly which made me question his mental state. With the way he acts he should be in a fucking mental asylum so it wouldn't be a shock if the cogs weren't working properly.

As soon as I entered the kitchen I whipped my phone out, calling my mum. While I waited for her to pick up I made sure the door was shut.

"Hi honey."

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