{52} Girlfriend

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"Which prick sends a wedding invite less than two weeks before. I don't know much about weddings but don't you have to send them off at least six weeks before."

"He probably wasn't going to invite you so it was a last minute decision," I said bluntly.

"That makes me feel so much better," he said squeezing my thigh tighter.

"Sorry," I chuckled. We were currently en route to the wedding and Carter looked relatively calm which surprised me. I don't know how I was expecting him to act but it wasn't like this. Carson had gone in a different car, taking Ella with him.

It feels weirder now that I'm involved with Carter, knowing about Carson and Ella. Although we still hadn't talked about what we are and I'm was too much of a wuss to bring it up.

"Thanks for being my date. Although this wasn't the first date I had in mind," he said making my stomach do a small flip. His sentence gave me some assurance that we were doing more than just fucking about with each other. 

"What did you have in mind then?"

"Wouldn't be a surprise if I told you." Once he saw the look I was giving him, "When have my surprises ever let you down?" 

"Never," I mumbled, accepting defeat.

"Right. So before this wedding fucks up my day or as you would say 'goes tits up' I need to ask you something."


"Will you be my girlfriend?" He said calmly but from his tapping on the steering wheel and the floor I could tell he was nervous.

"If I have too," I joked putting him out of his misery. He let out a sigh of relief before grabbing my face and giving me a quick peck. He pulled back still staring at me with my face in his hands. He had squished my cheeks in his hand so my lips were still puckered out.

"Gorgeous," he muttered while looking over my features. I could feel myself blushing at the compliment. I always thought I was pretty but it was nice hearing my boyfriend call me gorgeous. Boyfriend. I like the sound of that. I was always called hot or sexy, which is a confidence booster for sure but I've never been called gorgeous.

"You know this might not be easy," I warned him considering we had never done the relationship thing before although it seemed to come to us naturally when we were with each other.

"Easy is boring."

I knew at times I could be tough but if there was anyone that could handle me it was Carter.

"Eyes on the road. Your really need to stop doing that."

"It's fine."

"Won't be fine if you crash," I scolded about to give him earful. 

But his hand slid up my thigh as he said, "Sorry baby."

My eyes closed as I felt him apply pressure to a place of me that is very pro Carter. My hips bucked forward when he stopped moving his hand.

"Fucking tease," I whispered under my heavy breaths. "I take that back," I squeaked as he started rubbing circles again, on my you know where, while pushing a finger into me.

"Your gonna make a mess Red. You're already so wet," he groaned and I looked over at the growing tent in his pants. 

"Already?" I asked.

Once he saw where I was looking he complained, "Just looking at you gets me fucking hard."

"You say that like it's my fault."

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