{27} Family

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 I woke up because my body was being jostled. Opening my eyes to check my surroundings I saw Carter's face as he carried me up the stairs. Rubbing my eyes with a groan I stated, "You can put me on the floor now."

"When did you wake up?" He asked as he settled me back on the ground. I know I told him to put me down, but I'm kind of regretting my decision.

"Just now. What time is it?" I said as I slumped against the wall from exhaustion as I watch Carter check his phone.


"Fuckin'ell you can just stay here tonight." I walked into my bedroom only to see Carter also coming in. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Going to bed," he stated as if it was the obvious.

"Not in this fucking room you're not. Guest room. Go. It's there for a reason."

"I've slept in your bed before. Don't go all shy on me now," he teased.

"Only because the guest room was full. And I can't be arsed to put up with your shit. I'm extremely tired and I just want to go asleep."

"Fine. Just so you know I'm only listening to you cause I'm tired as well. Don't think you can go around ordering me about," he huffed out as he walked over to the guest room.

"Yeah yeah," I called over my shoulder, letting out an amused breath, wondering how that boy could even try cause an argument when we're both so sleepy.

"Night Red."

"Night Cart."

"Sleep tight."

"Don't let the bed bugs bite."

I snapped my eyes open as someone vigorously shook me. Before I could even try to form a fist and defend myself, I was hurdled in to a chest. I heard a heartbeat that rivalled my own with its pounding. 

"What's wrong?" The 'someone' being Carter asked as his hands reached up the brush my cheeks. I touched my cheeks and by the wet substance one them I knew I had been crying in my sleep. First Carter sees me have a breakdown and now he sees me cry in my sleep. Fucking great!

"What happened?" I responded with a question of my own.

"Well I heard screaming so I came to check out what happened or more like who, only to see you screaming in your sleep. Your face was all scrunched up like you were in pain-" As Carter continued to ramble on about what he saw I quickly came to the realisation that I had a nightmare. I haven't had one in ages. Let me rephrase cause that was a big fat lie. I haven't had a screaming nightmare in ages. Talking about everything probably caused the nightmare to come back full throttle. It definitely felt more vivid. I got up to grab a water bottle due to my raw throat, this cut Carter short.

"Are you okay?" I plopped back on my bed as Carter came on the other side and sat down.

"Yup. Completely fine." 

At that he fixed me with a deadpan stare. "Suuurrrreeeee. Wanna talk about it?"

"Absolutely not."

"Message taken."

"I'm sure you must be bored," I changed the subject.

"It's like 4am. I'm tired if anything."

"I was going to say because you seems so bored you might as well just stay here a talk for a bit. For you benefit, not mine." It was completely for my benefit. I felt cheeky for asking him to stay but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep again.

"My benefit yeah," he said with a smirk.

"Yeah," I confirmed.  That's how we spent the next half an hour talking about the most useless things but it was fun. Took my mind off my nightmare.

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