{17} Love you too

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I woke up with a blurry mind and pounding headache and an arm over me. Wait an arm? It wasn't unusual for me to be with someone but normally I'd remember if I slept with someone.

 Also I stopped sleeping around once I moved so who was this. Looking up from the arm trying to see the face connected I saw Carter. Oh that's fine. I would not have slept with him and not remembered it. Well I thought it was fine until I realised his eyes were open and he was looking at me with shock. Fuck.

"Did we fuck?" I asked, no need to sugar-coat it.

"No why would you think that?" He looked alarmed.

"Sorry just checking. If we didn't sleep together why did you look so shocked?"

Then the most bizarre thing happened he started stuttering.

"Are you having a fit?" I looked at him curiously with a slight bit of worry.

 What I said made him stop stuttering as his mouth formed into a thin line. 

"No I'm not," he grumbled keeping his answers short. Well someone wasn't cheery in the mornings. 

I pushed his arm off me, standing up with wobbly legs. I looked around realising we were still at the flats and I was still in my dress from last night. Except now I wanted to rip it off, it was so uncomfortable. Why did I decide to wear this again?

"Where are Danny, Al and Eli?"

"How am I supposed to know." Now his tone was starting to piss me off.

"Do you have to sound so fucking moody all the time?" I walked off after saying that. I couldn't deal with his shit right now.

We were now in Carter's house. I had found Danny and Al in the other room and woke them up. We stopped at my house so I could take a quick shower and change. I was much more comfy in my ripped jeans and baggy, black hoodie. Then we all knocked back some aspirin as if it was smarties.

 They all needed to clean up so they went to their house to use their own showers, plus they had their clothes there, and I just tagged along cause why not?

I sent a quick text to Eli asking where he was cause he wasn't in the flats when I woke up. Although I wasn't that worried about him. He normally doesn't drink much unless I'm with him or he's upset, so he should have been remotely sober. Plus I don't think the girl he was with would've appreciated him drunk of his arse. I really need to find out her name.

I soon learnt that me and Carter had become quite good drinking buddies. I guess that semi explains why we were asleep next to each other just not why Carter was clinging to me like a teddy bear. It seems like the times where we get along most is when I'm not sober. I don't know if that's a bad or good thing. Probably bad. 

"I'm hungry," I whined as all of them sat there like bloody zombies. Seriously I need to be feed at least every two hours so I don't get grouchy and they're ready. They're just mucking about.

"Go get some food from downstairs," Danny said in an offhanded voice.

"No. I've been waiting here for ages and I'm super fucking hungry, the least you could do is take me to Denny's." So I may have been slightly dramatic but it still got the job done.

Me and Carter had a fat breakfast as Danny just drank excessive amounts of coffee. Seriously I think he drank a gallon. Al just picked at his pancakes. Afterwards we went back to my house so Carson wouldn't have to deal with four hungover teenagers.

We went to my room and we all watched shameless. Carter got to the bed fist, but I refused to sit on the floor, the only space left available, so I just lay down next to him. Plus it had enough room to fit two people. Well two normal people, his broad frame took up most of my side as well as his the knobhead. Soon enough I embraced the comfort from my bed sheets, the heat radiating from Carter next to me, the faint murmur of Fiona arguing with Steve and closed my eyes. I had only planned to close them for five minutes.

Falling for redTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon