{15} Liar

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Slipping on my dress I was ready. I don't really wear a lot of dresses but decided I wanted to make a good first impression and if I'm being honest I looked hot. I was wearing a silk black dress that ended mid thigh and accentuated my hourglass figure. Thank god for good genes and fast metabolism because I can eat like a fat pig sometimes. Any weight I do gain goes to either my tits or arse.

I looked at my makeup in the mirror making sure non of it had smudged. I had worn more makeup that usual, using eyeshadow to make winged eyeliner adding another wing in the inner corner of my eyes. I also added some eyeshadow just below my waterline. I had on fake eyelashes and some nude lipstick. One thing was missing. I rummaged around my draws until I found it. Bingo! Now that the tip of my nose was highlighted I was ready to go.

I put my wavy hair in a bun while driving to Eli's, it was getting in my face too much. I honked my horn a couple of times once I reached his house. He came out and pointed to the window I rolled it down saying, "Get in bitch."

"I can't find my shoes," he said distressed.

"What are you wearing now." He lifted his leg to show me his sock clad feet.

"You could've just told me bigfoot."

"What do I dooooooooooo?" He whined.

"Stop making that noise first of all and just go grab a pair of Elliot's your the same size aren't you?"

"Oh yeah your so clever."

We spent the car ride raving to UK grime before we would have to listen to American music. Their music was good but it still didn't compare to the UK. Walking into the party it was packed, I smiled in pride while Eli was gawping.

"We did a good job."

"I think you mean me, Al, Danny and Carter did a good job. YOU didn't help due to your 'head injury'."

"I forgot I was wounded," he said putting his hand on his forehead.

"You were not wounded you little liar."

"I am not a liar."

"Liar liar pants on fire," I taunted before realising what I was doing and just stuck my tongue out at him before walking away.

"You good you look a little shocked?" Al said, well more like had to shout due to the volume of the music.

"I'm fine I was just acting like Eli."

"Clearly not fine then." I just punched his arm lightly before going to the makeshift bar.

I lined up 5 shots of Jack Daniels to get me started. After that the crowd consumed me as I danced. Soon enough I was grinding on a girl who's name I don't know. I took a quick break to grab another beer. 

Searching the crowd I spotted Eli chatting up some girl, she was cute but looked like she didn't belong here with her tiny frame and doe eyes. My guess is she was forced here by her friend. 

Walking passed him I patted his back before shouting, "Pulling." 

He did not look to happy about that. I walked off before he could shout at me. 

To my left I saw Danny chilling on a sofa as girls around him tried to gather his attention. I guess in school they were too scared to talk to the three musketeers but with a little bit of liquid courage they were good to go. 

Al was near him soaking up all the flirty looks he got even though he already had a girl in his lap. I decided to check on Danny. Pushing through the girls surrounding him I got a few hisses. The fuck did they think the were, snakes? 

I sat on the arm of the sofa before nudging his shoulder with mine. He turned around looking peeved but he calmed down once he realised it was me. "What are you doing here? You looked like you were having the time of your life out there."

"And your sat here looking like the exact opposite. How are you?" I said sincerely. I wasn't the nicest to everyone but those I cared for I was nice too.

"I'm okay you can go."

"Are you sure? I can stay here for a bit with you. Defend you from the girls. I have a good scary face," I joked hoping to lift his spirits.

"Trust me I know I've seen your scary face too many times considering how long I've known you."

"How much have you had to drink?"

"3 beers." He shook his empty bottle.

"Danny I expected better from you," I kissed my teeth before standing up. "You need to at least have five shots. Maybe even ten to catch up."

"How about three shots."

"That's fine as long as your drunk at the end."

"Adios amigo," I said after taking my last tequila shot with Danny before going back into the crowd.

Directly in front of me I saw Carter intensely sucking face with Hannah. When I say intense I mean intense, looked like the starting of a porno. I was happy he was getting some but did it really have to be Hannah. Choosing to look for the positives, I took inspiration from Carter and decided to find someone. It seemed like everyone was pulling except for me and obviously Danny.

I danced a bit more promiscuously waiting for people to come to me. I felt someone grip my waist, I turned my head to see if I knew them and it was fucking Connor. I detached his hands from me before grabbing the hand of the girl in front of me and twirling her around to face me as I flashed her a smirk. She smiled back as I started leaning in. 

The thumping of the music and the movement of her lips were delightful until I felt hands come back on my waist that weren't hers. I had a feeling I knew who it was so I lifted my foot hitting them right in the groin. 

Turning the girl around I popped open one eye to see Connor groaning with one hand holding his balls. He was lucky that that was all I was doing to him the cunt. I pulled back from the kiss dancing against the girl as I winked at him.

"What's your name?" I asked in a hoarse voice twirling her blonde locks around my finger.


"Well Lissy you sure know how to work that mouth of yours." As we continued dancing I slid one of my arms around her waist dipping down into her back pocket and grabbing her phone. To my surprise her phone had no password. I entered my phone number and saved it before slipping her phone back in her pocket.

I pulled away saying, "Call me."

To aid her confusion I whispered in her ear, "Check your phone babe." Before leaving her with a parting kiss.

Through my dancing I had migrated to where Al was, which was near the bar. Well they do say home is where the heart is. As I was getting another drink Al exclaimed, "You pull girls better than me. What the fuck?"

"Do you expect any less?"

"Anyways wanna go play never have I ever? It will fill up your alcoholic heart. The others are already upstairs." I just nodded my head in confirmation.

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