{35} Past

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I sat down next to Carter, lifting his head off the seat and putting it in my lap, after I roamed top floor. Carter had brought me to an abandoned library. Although I had no idea why it had been abandoned. It was a beautiful antiquated building with a modern twist. 

The ceiling of the building was made from glass, giving us the view of the sky. I could only imagine how it would look at night as the stars and moon would smile down at us. For now we had the view of clear, bright skies. 

"This place is amazing but it's so far, how the hell did you find it?" I asked in fascination, mindlessly twirling his soft hair.

"She left it in the will for me," he whispered after a pregnant pause, although it seemed like he wasn't talking to me, more himself. I didn't know whether or not to ask who she was. It was obviously a touchy subject as I heard vulnerability seep through his short whisper. 

"So this is yours?" I decided to go with.

"Yeah, I wasn't joking when I said it wasn't illegal." So why did he not want Carson to know he was here? 

We sat in silence as the sun started to set. I stared up at the sky as hues of orange and pink started to blend together. 

"Can I tell you something? A story?" He blurted out randomly. I looked down to see him staring at me, anticipating my answer. I furrowed my eyebrows but nodded anyways. He played with his rings in what looked like nervousness but I couldn't be too sure.

"There was a young couple once. Everyone thought that they were in love, themselves included. They were that perfect couple. The type that people would look at, wishing they could have a love like theirs. They were childhood sweethearts.

Everything was going dandy until the girl found out she was pregnant. They were both 17 bear in mind. She told her boyfriend and everything was in shambles from then on. He resorted to drinking and she stayed simply because she was in love.

Things turned toxic quickly but they struggled through it. But I guess he couldn't handle all the pressure. So he did what he does best he ran. She give birth to her child all alone, no family to help her. And it stayed like that. She was a single mother trying to make ends meet for five years.

Until one day he just came back, with no explanation. And like the naïve girl she was she welcomed him with open arms, not thinking of any of the consequences. She continued to turn a blind eye to his alcoholic ways because all that mattered to her was that he was there with her. 

And this was a pattern, him leaving for copious amounts of times and turning back up when he felt like it. 

Seven years later and she got knocked up by him again. And yet again she decided to keep it. But through the years things had gotten worse, he had added drugs into the mix and was occasionally abusive. But his father wasn't a sloppy drunk, if anything he was the opposite. A popular business man loved by many.

And the kid, the poor kid had to go through all this. I don't know how he managed to cope but he did.

This time the girl didn't tell him she was pregnant. She was one of those people whose baby bump didn't show, so it was easy to keep from him. Although no one knows why she kept the information from him.                                                                                                                        

Thing seem to take another turn for the worst because seven months in she catches him cheating. They argue, they shout, things get knocked about and she lets it slip that she's pregnant.

Big mistake.

He loses it. Completely. Loses. It." he said the syllables bouncing off his tongue with bitterness. I don't know what story I was expecting him to tell but this was definitely not it. 

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