{5} Child molester

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Although I had been here for a little longer than a week I still hadn't seen Evangeline. Despite being an extrovert I didn't really seem to bond that well, when I was younger, with girls so it was always just me and Eli as we tagged around with Elliot and some of his friends. The only exception of girls not liking me was Evangeline Diem, Eli's sister. I'm assuming it was because we had grown up together that we got along but once she moved to America we just kind of lost touch.

The only reason me and Elliot kept in touch was because he stayed back in England since he didn't want to move Uni's. Obviously me and Eli managed to keep in contact was because he was my bestfriend. I spoke to Evangeline a few times when I was on facetime with Eli so I knew what she still looked like.

So when I walked into school to see Evangeline grinning as wide as a cheshire cat up at Dakota I was alarmed. "So jailbird didn't know you were a child molester as well," I said as I slid up to the locker across them. "She's as 'sophomore' you know, 15. You might want to chill out before you try grope her."

He looked lost for a moment before he recovered, "Aw if your jealous babe. Don't worry there's plenty of me to go round."

I just ignored him, turning to Evangeline. "Well isn't this a good morning Angel," I said grinning.

"She sure is an angel," Dakota muttered while running his eyes up and down her body lingering a little too long for my liking.

"15," I reminded him

"Pierce what are you doing here?" She said before tackling me in a hug.

"Did Eli not tell you I moved here?"

"No or else I would've seen you sooner."

"I swear that boy has the memory of goldfish."

Angel was about to reply before child molester interrupted, "As much as this is a lovely reuniting conversation do you mind doing it elsewhere."

For once I didn't let his sour mood get to me as I wanted to catch up with Angel but before I could walk more than three steps I was being dragged back by my ponytail. I groaned turning around the see Dakota.

Asking him what his problem was he said, "I need to ask you something?"

"And you couldn't call me like a normal person because..." Not really that bothered by his sudden need to ask me a question. I looked back in hopes of catching Evangeline but she was already gone. I faced Dakota once he started yanking my hair again. My neck was already hurting from having to look up at him, he was like a fucking lamppost. Being so up close to him made me feel much more shorter than I was and I was 5'5, an average height for girls. He was taller than Eli so he must have been over at least 6'2.

"You interrupted my quality time with the ladies so you deserve it."

"She's not a 'lady'. What she is, is 15. Like recently turned 15."

"Well I didn't know that. I'm not even going to ask how you know her but why did she call you Pierce?"

"Pierce is my last name. Why are we having this conversation again?"

"I was curious."

"Okay well if that's all I'll be off. Actually wait what's you full name?" My nosy side coming out.

"Dakota Carter Kai." Kai was a rare last name but I could've sworn I heard it before in this school.

While I was thinking about it Al and Danny walked up to us. "Are you two being civil London?"

"No cock." The rest of what I was going to say was muted as Al and Dakota both released sounds similar to choking. I left Danny to explain that as I walked to homeroom.

Entering homeroom I noticed Mr Kai was in a better mood than usual, don't get me wrong he's never moody but right now he looked quite chuffed with himself as he was texting on his phone. This only led back to one reasonable explanation which was Ella.

By time maths had come around Mr Kai was still in a good mood and I decided to tease him about it just to get on Eli's nerves.

"So Mr Kai how was you weekend?"

"It was great Scarlett thank you for asking." Eli turned toward me eyes full of anger.

"What did you do? I don't mean to intrude your just in a really good mood."

"That's a bit personal but if you insist I was on a date with my girlfriend." If Eli wasn't angry before he was fuming now. He began choking on air from the news we just received. The rest of the class listened on intently but what I didn't notice was the three pair of eyes bulging out of their sockets once they heard the news as well.

"That's wonderful. Is she cute?"

"Scarlett as much I would love to talk about my girlfriend all class, I have to teach." I nodded reluctantly.

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