{58} Sexist

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"I told you not to drive in the fucking pothole you mug," I shouted smacking Al over the head. 

What was supposed to be a simple drive has now turned out to be a laborious task. We were stuck in a pothole with a flat tyre.

"Right push the car out the pothole and then you can change the tyre," I ordered. I was confused when I saw all their faces drop.

"Don't tell me you don't have a spare tyre?" I asked incredulously.

"No we do."

"So what's the issue?" I asked not understanding why they looked like I shat on them.

Danny mumbled something but he was so quiet I couldn't hear him.

"Speak up."

"I said we don't know how to change a tire," Danny said.

"We? As in all three of you?" I checked.

I gaped when all three of them nodded in a sheepish manner.

"Let me get this straight. Three males who do racing as a living don't know how to change a tyre. You're having me on. If you don't realise your whole profession revolves around cars! Look just push the car out and I'll change the tyre." 

Their faces went from embarrassment to disbelief in a matter of seconds.

"If any of you make a sexist remark I'll give you a wedgie that's so high you can feel it in your fucking brain. Capise?"

I felt like a proud mum when they listened to me obediently. The car was out the pothole in a jiffy, thanks to their freakish strength.  

The boys crowded around me as they watched me change the tyre. They all looked so impressed that I could do this simple life task.

Carter whispered excitedly, "That's my girl." I chuckled at his childish remark. He ignored my clear amusement, nudging the other two and pointing to me as if they weren't already huddled around me.

I pushed down on the new tyre, checking the pressure.

"This should last until we get home but then you need to go to a repair company. Can we get a move on cause I'm proper tired?" I had to stifle a yawn halfway through, proving my point.

I wiped my hands down my jeans but it didn't help clean much of the dirt off.

"Don't worry I'll go as fast as-" Al got cut off by the sound of the engine spluttering. He took a deep breath and tried to start the car again but was met with the same sound.

"Fuck!" Al shouted slamming his hand on the dashboard.

"Oh for fucks sake you have got to be taking the piss," I attempted to shout but my yawn stopped me from doing so. I just wanted to go home and go to sleep. I ran my hand through my hair anxiously as I thought of what to do.

"You dumbass, how do you not know when the tanks almost empty?" Carter said pissed off.

"Can we stop playing the blame game? If you two would shut the fuck up for two seconds I'd know what to do," Al said leaving us in silence.

"There's a gas station not too far from here," Danny added in.

"Right well one of you get some petrol, bring it back here and fill up the tank. I'm not going I changed your fucking tyre."

"Not it," Carter said.

"Not it," Al said.

"Huh?" It happened so quickly I don't think Danny realised that he had pulled the short straw. 

"Everyone's clearly tired why don't we just go to sleep and we can get the petrol tomorrow," Al said looking at all of our droopy eyes. Everyone mutually agreed that would be the best decision. Even if we did fill the car up with the state we're in no one would be able to drive.

"Let me ring Case and tell him what's happened," Carter said pulling out his phone.

"Where the fuck are Carter and I supposed to sleep?"

"In the back," Danny said sounding like he wanted to add 'duh' at the end.

"I gathered that but how. You two can lean your seats back we can't and I won't be able to sleep sitting upright."

"Your problem not ours," Al said dreamily as he snuggled further into his coat. He looked way too cozy.

"Everything's sorted, we can go to sleep now," Carter said jumping back in the car. 

"You guys are paying to get my tire fixed," Al stated.

"Why?" Danny scoffed.

"Birthday present."

"But it's not your birthday."

"Yet. It's in a week so it basically is my birthday."

As Al and Danny bickered about who should pay Carter sandwiched me between him and the seats. He laid on his side, his back facing to the boys.

"When's your birthday?" I asked wanting to know and wanting to break up their stupid arguing. With how they acted you'd think they hated each other.

"Fifteenth of January."

"Don't chat shit," I said shocked. I probably looked like a fish coming at the water by the way my mouth was opening and closing. I lifted my head so I could see Al shaking his head.

"We've got the same birthday."

"You have?" Carter asked, his eyes flying open wide.


"How come you never told me?" He asked with furrowed brows.

"I don't like my birthday but it's cool me and Al have the same birthday."

"So we're birthday twins?" Al interrupted. 

"Yeah but don't get too excited I'm not doing anything," I said because he looked like he wanted to squeal.

"Yes you are," all three scoffed.

"No I'm not," I said defiantly. I stopped celebrating my birthday after my tenth, even before then I didn't really do too much because of my dad. I wouldn't say my birthdays cursed but really awful things happened on my tenth and eleventh birthday so I never wanted to celebrate ever again and my mum has no complaints about that.

"Go to sleep you're all full of shit," I said ending the conversation.

"We're talking about this later," Carter whispered into my ear.

"Not if I have anything to do with it," I whispered back then I leaned down and gave him a kiss cause I fucking felt like it, only to hear dumb and dumber groan in annoyance.

"You two never seen anyone kiss before? Damn!" Carter scowled.

"Yeah but I'm scared you two are gonna fuck each other in front of me. My poor eyes."

"Don't be daft."

"Just might if you don't let me kiss my fucking girlfriend," we said at the same time.

"Don't be a prick," I scolded Carter as I slapped his bicep, to which he let out a dramatic hiss. I rolled my eyes but played along, massaging his bicep. He closed his eyes in content and pulled me closer even though we were as close as can be.

"You're so annoying," I whispered with my lips pressed against his temple after placing a kiss there.

"You love it."

Yeah I do.

A/N The next book I write will be fully set in America, no British characters but I've just realised how much knowledge I have about Americans which is practically none. I don't know any American lingo so help a girl out and comment some please. 

Only a few more chapters left. Don't forget to comment and vote.

Thank you X

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