{23} Racing

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I was at my locker looking like an ordinary student retrieving their school books, minus the fact that I didn't take anything to lesson so I was shoving everything in my locker without taking anything out. 

"Nice books," Carter said as he came to my locker looking at the imaginary pile of books in my arms.


"Where's Danny and Al?"

"Danny said he didn't feel like coming today." He rolled his eyes. "Lazy cunt."

"And Al?"

"In the janitors closet with some leggy blonde." 

I shuddered at the though of having a quickie in that dirty, compact place. "We need to get him checked for STD's afterwards. Who knows what bacteria is in there?"

He looked like he was deep in thought before he said shuddering, "Might wanna get me tested as well." 

"The bacteria is probably from you."

"You busy tonight?" He abruptly said, cutting our conversation about the infected caretaker's room short.

"Don't think so. I might go over to Eli's for a while. Why?"

"For Eli or Elliot?" He moodily said, my sentence putting a clear damper on his mood. I wouldn't like talking about someone who tried to batter me either. So I accept his avid dislike towards Elliot. However I kind of do hope they can put their differences aside and at least act civil if their ever together again.

"For Eli of course. Stop being so mardy you wank stain. Also can we not talk about Elliot?" My face subconsciously scrunching up in disgust.

"You never fail to amaze me with you colorful language. Elliot who?" I examined his tense frame seeing him visibly relax while I smiled at him. He continued, "It's another surprise but I promise you'll love it."

"Funny because last time you said that we got arrested. Sorry bout that by the way." Sure my apology was a week late, but it's the thought that counts.

"It's fine it's not your fault."

"Why were you so pissed then? I assumed you blamed me."

"Oh it was nothing." He was such a shit liar but who was I to pry. 

I don't know how he managed to lie to everyone else, he had a clear tell. "You know you stick your tongue out just before you lie." He could just pass it off as one of his fuckboy tendencies I guess.

He guffawed, "Paying attention to my face Red?"

"Not it was just in my line of site." That was the truth so I don't know why I felt my cheeks start to heat. Trying to change the subject I said, "Please can you just tell me what it is?"

"Nope," he said tapping my nose. "I promise you'll love it. Although your legs might be feeling a bit wobbly after."

"Is that what you say to all the girls before you grope them?" I smirked.

"Get your mind out of the dumps. I actually say 'jump on and enjoy the ride'." 

"Fascinating tell me more." I opened my eyes in fake excitement while keeping my tone flat, ignoring my head that reminded me I loved to say 'insert below and enjoy the ride'.

"I'll be Burger King and you be McDonald's. I'll have it my way and you'll be lovin' it." I tried not to crack a smile at that while he stood there looking proud of himself.

"I lost my virginity. Can I have yours?"

"Do I even want to know what's going on over here?" Eli said approaching us.

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