{34} Worst enemy

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Soon after breakfast I sent Eli a quick text to say I wouldn't be coming to school. We had spent the whole morning re-watching Ricky and Morty. Currently I was waiting for Carter, he looked like he was making some important phone calls and I didn't want to intrude. 

This gave me time to fawn over their massive tv, when I say massive I mean humongous, much like the rest of the things in this house. Their house was luxurious to say the least. I'm guessing the racing pays well. 

 I didn't have to wait long before I heard his loud steps run down the stairs. Once he came into view he said, "We're going out."

"Geez thanks for asking me." I really couldn't be asked to move let alone go outside. But maybe some fresh air would do me good.

"Anytime." He winked.

"So are you gonna give me some clothes to wear or..?" I asked after he just stood there silently. 

"Your pants aren't going to fit me properly," I stated once he gave me another hoodie and some joggers. The hoodie wasn't an issue considering I basically lived in his hoodies but his joggers are too wide.

"I thought you don't care how you look when you go out."

"Yes but I would still prefer to not have my pants sliding off of me."

"Well you're going to have to deal with it for a bit." I went to contradict him but he continued. "We're going to the mall anyways so you can pick up a pair of jeans or whatever there."

"I don't have any money Einstein."

"I'm paying."

"No you're not."

"Really so who's gonna pay? Cause I don't think it's you. Unless your planning to pull some imaginary money out your ass. I need to buy some more clothes anyways."

"Your taking me with you while you go shopping," I said oddly feeling like a boyfriend being dragged to go shopping with his bird.

"Considering you take half of my clothes yes. I need some more. You can tell me what looks good and what looks shit." Well I'm not going to deny an opportunity to ogle Carter, in a friendly way of course. One friend giving fashion advice to another.



I think I had forgotten just how narcissistic Carter is. It's been hours later and we had just finished shopping and I refused to do it ever again. Tearing Carter away from the mirror every time he tried on an item of clothes was not fun. I reckon he looked at himself more than I looked at him. He would literally stare at himself and wouldn't look away until I physically turned him around. The worst thing was I couldn't tell whether he did it on purpose or not. I mean you can't be that obsessed with yourself that much, can you? Then again it's Carter, he probably enjoys his looks more than the girls do.

On the positive side, I had changed into some well fitted shorts.

"Great now it's packed," I complained, dragging Carter behind me. All I wanted to do was eat but the food court was completely full, not an empty table in sight. Luckily two girls left, leaving an open table. Letting go of his hand I ran to it as fast as I could, not caring if I looked like a lunatic. Once I secured our seats, I sent Carter off to go get our food.

He soon returned with KFC in his hands. Dropping the tray on the table he said, "I forgot the sauces Red. Can you go get us some?"

"Why can't you get it?" I asked, seeing as he was still standing up.

"My legs are hurting. Besides I've already gone through that herd so it's your turn."

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