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The community was successful in defending their home from the raiders this time, which no doubt increased their morale and made them feel more confident. Which was good. Just feeling these feelings would help them, and make them stronger. They needed to be stronger, for the raiders would be back. Ripper of course knew that they would be back, and he had a feeling that their leader will be making themselves known. Why did he think that?, well he was certain that he had seen the leader not to long ago. That leader whoever they were, watched what went down. They watched what the community did against this so called, 'attack'.

By watching them, the leader learned their ways so to speak. And Ripper didn't doubt in the slightest that the leader would be changing their tactics in the next attack. But this attack would be far worse than the last. Ripper just had that feeling as he stood there, and continued to watch the outside of the community, while the others supposedly celebrated their victory.

Shifting his attention to Razzak's unit now, did Ripper move toward Razzak. For he had a serious topic to discuss with him.

"Razzak, a word?" spoke Ripper once he was standing in front of him.

"What is it?", asked Razzak with a frim look on his features. Though there was a faint smirk upon his bloody maw, and it was probably cause he felt good about winning against the raiders. However this talk that they will soon be discussing, would no doubt ruin that joy.

"I think we need to prepare for the next attack." suggested Ripper with a serious looking expression. "I believe that I have seen the leader of the raiders not to long ago."

Razzak's smirk was quick to vanish as he listened to Ripper and what he was saying. These words that he was speaking, made him feel uncomfortable. Of course that discomfort went away and was replaced with aggression as he growled out. "Are you certain that you saw their leader?"

"Yes." frowned Ripper as he nodded. "They were large and wore some kind of skull with many horns? I am sure of it.", Ripper's words were honest. After all his sharp eyes were quick to pick up on the many horns that were attached to what looked like a skull. A skull similar to that of a rex, though its size was somewhat larger than that of a normal rex. Sadly, that was the only thing that he took notice of that was on the silhouette that stood in the distance. The skull wasn't the only thing that he saw either, for he saw red glowing eyes as well.

Razzak's eyes were narrowed into a sharp glare now as he turned his head toward the distant woods, the woods that the raiders fled to. "We definitely will prepare for their next attack then.", snarled Razzak who meant business.

"Good.", replied Ripper as he walked back toward the community. Though he stopped and looked back at Razzak as he said. "Make sure that everyone that is within your unit is aware of what we talked about."

"Right." snorted Razzak as he looked at his unit now. His blood covered maw was shivering to show his anger.

Ripper merely watched Razzak for a moment longer, as he watched Razzak call his unit over to speak with them. After seeing them gather up around Razzak, did Ripper walk toward the community and enter it silently. Much like Razzak talking to his unit about what they had talked about, Ripper would be doing the same thing.

"Everyone! Gather up this is important!" called out Ripper once he was in the center of the community. He watched as all of the residents began to walk toward him with both interest and concern.

Scarface was walking over definitely curious, but he had a haunch as to what would be discussed, just like Jr and Lesion. Cripple and Scalpmuzzle were quick to run over, due to them wanting to know what was going on. Gullet of course was right behind Cripple, and stopped at her side once she had stopped. Swiftscale and Ebony were slowly approaching, along with Ruby, Harmony, and Nina. Devokus was with Loa, but blinked to Zorah who rushed over to Ripper without a second thought. Eden and Enyo were with their mother, for they looked scared.

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