The Dawning

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"Ever since they came here, they have been rather hardworking?", spoke Cripple with a uneasy look.

Scalpmuzzle looked at her with concerned eyes, "I also don't like the way they act?"

Ahnyx looked at the two of them with interest, "I am sure it is nothing to worry about? They are new faces and it is hard to determine on who they really are just by first glance? Believe me, just give them some time?"

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ahnyx before saying, "That one? Ripper?"

Ahnyx tilted his head, "Yes?"

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ripper as he walked by, his eyes slowly looked down. "I don't know what it is but he is just so hard to read?"

Cripple looked at them as they walked away, all of them had been putting trees up. They even forced them to take a break, when really they weren't even that tired.

It was great that they wanted to help, but they didn't need to push them out of the way. Granted, breaks were good and all but they hardly done much since they came. The community was supposed to be done with teamwork, but Ripper and his crew showed off just a tad.

True, she didn't know them completely but they just gave off a vibe. She wasn't the only one either since Scalpmuzzle took notice of their actions as well.

Ahnyx looked at the crew in the distance before looking at the two before him who both looked uneasy. He just figured it was nervousness, after all this was a big deal. A community coming together, not once caring about the species. It was indeed a humongous change. He was certain that they would calm down after all the hard work was done.

"I'm sure things will work out? I have a knack for telling what may happen.", smiled Ahnyx in a cool way.

Cripple looked at him curiously before smiling, "I have been meaning to ask but are you some kind of elder?"

Ahnyx blinked sharply as he looked at her surprised, his face was quite priceless as well as it was humorous. "W-What?"

Scalpmuzzle looked at Ahnyx with a amused grin, he started snickering much like Cripple. Gullet on the other hand looked at the two of them with great curiosity.

"I'm sorry! It's just that you remind me of a elder! Elders have a great knack at knowing things cause they had been around for a long time.", giggled Cripple.

Ahnyx had a flushed face, he looked away with his right hand under his chin. "I'm not even that old...?"

Scalpmuzzle laughed a bit, "I guess mentally you are?"

Cripple looked at him with a smile, "I'm not sure? Are elders formal all the time?"

As Cripple and Scalpmuzzle talked, Ahnyx became extremely flustered. All this talk about him and his ways made him feel funny. He had to assume that they were teasing him, and that it was harmless fun.

A calm yet polite laughter emerged at their side, and the owner of the laughter was Amberhide. "I take it that you are doing well?"

Cripple nodded as she smiled, "Yes, we are taking a bit of a break. If that is okay?"

Amberhide smiled as he nodded, "Of course it is okay!"

Scalpmuzzle blinked before asking, "So when this community gets done? What will we do then?"

Amberhide grinned, as he replied, "We will begin choosing a few individuals to become the voices of our community!"

"A few? How many?", asked Cripple looking interested.

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