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The clan of Bloodmaw was walking in the direction that Helm saw the individual who had helped him and Dingo fight against a blind carnivore. To be expected everyone was on edge for no one knew who they were or if they were going to be kind or not. The thing about meeting someone new was if they were going to be trustworthy.

Survival was one thing but trust was a whole different matter.

Helm looked at the side picking up another scent, he recognized the scent but faintly. He looked at Scarface with curious eyes, for he was wondering if he picked up on the scent as well.

"I smell someone close by.", as if on cue Scarface did pick up on the scent.

Helm looked to be glad, that was cause he was afraid that he was leading the clan in the wrong location. He looked at Scarface as he asked, "Where is it coming from?"

Scarface looked in the direction, he shifted his head as he replied. "That way."

Bloodmaw looked at the direction before walking forward, it was not long until everyone followed. "Are we sure about this?", spoke Grim who was frowning.

Dingo laughed some what, "I doubt if she is a threat!"

Grim snorted loudly as he looked at Dingo, "You just met her! How do you know!"

Dingo looked at him with a smile, "I am sure of it! If she wanted to kill us she could of just walked away and let that blind brute kill us!"

Ebony looked ahead before smiling at Grim, "That is a good point?"

Grim frowned silently.

Nina looked at Adder curiously, she then looked before them as she tilted her head.

Adder blinked taking notice of a silhouette that happens to be walking toward them from the trees. The trees moved out of the way of the rex that was fully grown. Her hide was a light color of the bark on trees, as she holds various sized scars on her body from her head to the center of her back.

Bloodmaw looked at her silently in surprise, before long did he speak up. "Hello there?"

He watched as she slowly looked at the clan before her eyes stopped upon a individual. Curiously, Bloodmaw looked over his shoulder just like everyone else. He looked further stunned only cause Adder was staring right back at her.

"M-Mom?", stammered Adder in bewilderment.

"Mom?", questioned Helm.

A loud whistle erupted from Dingo before he laughed loudly. "I should of known! Like mother like son!?!"

Scarface looked between the two of them with wide eyes, much like Grim.

Nina smiled at Adder, "Well at least we found her!"

Bloodmaw looked at the rex before blinking fast as she walked by him so she could smile and chat with Adder.

"I'm glad you are alright.", smiled Adder's mother.

Adder looked at her with a ridiculously large smile on his face. "Same to you!"

Bloodmaw smiled at the two of them, for he was glad that Adder's mother was still alive and well. He wouldn't forget about what happened before, since Adder lost his father sometime ago.

Just thinking that however made him wonder if she knew of her mates passing.

"Guys this is my mother, Reza! She taught me quite a lot of things when I was younger!", spoke Adder with a good sized smile.

"It's a pleasure!", smiled Helm.

"Aye! Thanks for helping us out earlier!", laughed Dingo.

Reza smiled at the two of them, it was obvious that she knew them. "Of course."

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