Reckless Actions

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After saying what he had, Lockjaw walked on ahead with Clade and Rigor behind him. He would have to keep an eye on her, and make sure she doesn't do anything foolish.

As Cripple walks away from Lockjaw, she couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed. But that was to be expected, due to them seeing to the wall and guarding it. Once she was away from them, and back in the safety of the wall did she look behind herself with a frustrated look within her eyes.

How was she going to get out there and kill the giant? Then her head was quick to think of an idea, and so she moved quickly in order to find the group in which she was apart of.

Seeing Scarface made her feel relieved, for she would be able to get out of here and accomplish what she wanted. That giant will be killed by her, and that was a powerful promise. However reckless it was.

"Okay guys, remember we work better together.", spoke Scarface with a smile. His eyes looked at Cripple with kindness as she walked up, which was returned by her for she smiled back.

The only thing was, he didn't even know what it was that she was planning. None of them do.

Scalpmuzzle was very eager, and he looked at Cripple with a grin. "Are you ready to go out there and hunt?", he asked her.

Cripple nodded as she looked at him with a confident grin. "Yep! Let's work hard for the community!"

Scarface chuckled a bit, as the allosaurus shifted toward the front in which they would be exiting from. He was leading his hunting group outside into the dangerous world which was full of the blind. The only thing was he was sure that his group will do well, he didn't even doubt them either.

Scarface was in the front, with Scalpmuzzle right behind followed by Cripple, Gullet, and Goong.

"Bring back a lot of food you guys!", spoke out Rigor who was smiling.

Just the voice made Cripple a bit uncomfortable for she could see Lockjaw again, though she didn't show it as she was behind Scarface who smirked a tad in response to Rigor and his happiness.

"We will try. Wish us luck!", was the response from the hunting leader who walked on with his group following him.

Devastate and Smaug watched them go, much like Adder and Grim who stood in front of the opening which leads into the community. They were all on guard for anything that dare threaten their home.

Clade looked at Lockjaw who had his keen sight on Cripple as she walks along with her group. For he knew that she was up to something. It didn't vanish either.

Scarface looked around their environment closely, the sounds of the early morning wind was a soothing sound. But with comfort, that could quickly change for danger was never to far behind. The blind were out there, and he knew this. The many trees had eyes, and this meant that they needed to be smart as they hunt for food.

Goong was looking around as well, he had quite a lot of intelligence and strength on his side.

Scalpmuzzle was very attentive in what he was doing, his nose caught whiff of a herd quite a bit away. "Do you smell that?"

Scarface nodded firmly with a smile, "Let's keep going."

Gullet was very good at picking up where the blind was coming from, and since he was blind he could easily pick up on sounds and scents that the blind made. It was very interesting to see a blind creature like Gullet turn against his own kind who were blind. But this was how powerful bonds were, and his bond was very strong with Cripple who he sees as a type of parent.

Gullet was a strong beast, though he was just a teenager now. He was very crucial to the hunting group, for he was their blind detector of sorts.

As they move further away from the community, did they all began to move forward in a very serious manner. The trees around them looked to be dark and ominous, only cause there was no telling what lurked within them.

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