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Fiala nodded as her body shook from so many eyes on her.

Jr was quite surprised out of everyone there, having been living with Dreadtooth and his clan he never knew that he had creatures that did his bidding.

Obviously everyone was careful about what to say to him, he wouldn't be surprised if everyone was against telling him about anything.

Lockjaw glared, "I believe that this wedding is a sham."

Grim looked at him with a serious expression. "I wouldn't be surprised."

Gambit sighed after patching up the wound, he looked up as he said. "What's the plan?"

Devastate looked at Bloodmaw who was unconscious, he would be out of it for a while. "I think we should be careful. If Dreadtooth has creatures he could use, we got to be on guard."

Fiala looked even more remorseful than ever, she was starting to see how her father truly was.

"Did you get the wound under control?", asked Adder as he looked at Gambit.

Gambit gave him a look before crossing his arms and replying. "Yeah, stopped the bleeding so he should be fine."

Belle looked at Devastate silently with a frown, while Ruby looked toward the tree line.

Scarface narrowed his eyes, "Creatures or not, what we need to focus on is this war that Jr mentioned."

"War? Against who?", spoke Lockjaw with surprise.

Fiala looked away as everyone slowly looked at her. "A war against a clan of fish eaters, that was what my father always said..."

Grim frowned, "Of course. I am not surprised."

For some time, rexes and spinosaurus never could see eye to eye. There was a rivalry between them, much like that line that was broken between herbivores and carnivores.

Old wounds always had a hard time in trying to recover. Sometimes those wounds would never heal.

For so many years, everyone would stay with their own kind. Their own species. Now everyone was waking up and seeing the whole world in a different way. Those that were with their own kind were now working together with different species.

Of course some would judge them, but that couldn't be helped.

This world was rapidly becoming a different place, and everyone knew it. It was also scary, after all the future was hard to determine.

What will happen when this new world comes?

Jr frowned as he looked at Fiala, "One thing is for sure, we can't go back to Dreadtooth. We did, I can't guarantee our survival."

Fiala looked at him, her eyes shook. "Y-You're right..."

Devastate looked at the two of them before saying, "We will do everything in our power to keep you safe."

Jr smiled at him in gratitude, "Thank you."

Lockjaw looked over at Harmony and his daughters, his massive frame moved toward them.

"Everyone, Be on guard.", spoke Devastate as he walked over to Bloodmaw. "Make no mistake, we could be attacked again."

Nina frowned as she looked at Adder who had a serious expression.

Things were only going to get worse from here.

A commotion was some what going on as everyone was talking to one another. Dreadtooth glared about the fact that his daughter went with Jr to Bloodmaw and his clan.

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