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The clan of Bloodmaw was indeed a family, that was only cause they help each other out. They communicate, and they work together quite well unlike other clans that were starting out.

Some clans don't survive, only cause they refuse to work together. To curious eyes a clan looked easy enough to lead, but it wasn't easy. There could not be a clan if everyone was at each other's throats.

Gambit blinked taking notice of something, as everyone settled down after a fairly long trip. The wedding was a good thing to have happen, for everyone had lifted spirits because of it.

The raptor glared suddenly as he ran over, his body lunged into the air as his body collided with another body of his size.

Belle blinked and ran over after seeing Gambit disappear into the bushes. "Gambit?"

The concern in Belle's voice had gained everyone's attention.

Gambit looked up, his body was on top of another raptor. "I'm alright!"

Belle blinked seeing the other raptor who shared similar colors to Gambit. The raptor had a bit more red throughout their body, with yellow eyes and bright yellow feathers upon their head.

Bloodmaw blinked at the raptor, "Who are you?"

Gambit got off of the raptor, he crossed his arms giving the raptor a hard look.

Though, there were many individuals who were in clans there was still a good amount of rogues that still try to survive on their own. The raptor looked at Bloodmaw with wide eyes, it was like they haven't seen a rex before.

"I'm nobody!", replied the raptor with a scared voice.

Gambit raised a eyebrow at the raptor, the guy was scared to death. "Easy buddy, I don't know who you are but you don't go stealing other people's stuff?"

The raptor looked at Gambit with wide eyes, he looked down before closing his eyes and running into the thick brush of the forest floor.

Gambit was about to go after him but was stopped by Bloodmaw's voice. "It is alright."

Gambit looked at him silently before looking in the direction that the raptor went too.

Grim glared, "Is it really okay to let him go?"

Bloodmaw nodded, "I am sure. If he comes back and tries anything, then we can do something about it."

"You think he is alone?", asked Swiftscale.

Bloodmaw looked at him, "Probably, though the majority of raptors have been known to be in packs."

Devastate looked at the forest floor, it was like he was looking for something specific.

Gambit looked at the herbs that he and Belle gathered a few days ago. The stash of herbs seem to be fine, though his eyes shifted to the food that the clan had gathered.

"I wonder who that was?", spoke Belle curiously.

Devastate looked at her silently, "Who knows, but if he is stealing from us then that means he can't be trusted."

Belle looked down, "Yeah, but he must be going through a hard time?"

Grim snorted, "That doesn't make it right. A thief will always take the easy way out."

Bloodmaw looked at Grim silently, "Just keep a eye on our supplies."

Grim nodded curtly as he walked over to the food that they have gathered. "I will."

Bloodmaw watched him walk over to the food, he then looked at Gambit. "That goes for herbs as well."

Gambit nodded, "Got it."

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