Inner Turmoil

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What are bonds?
Bonds are something that was made with others, by making these special bonds. No one was fully alone.

As powerful as these bonds were, there will be a day that even they will leave. Thus, fully leaving one or more behind.

It was a vicious cycle as well as it was a painful one, but that was another thing that could happen in this lifetime of ours. In a way, that just meant that we were very different from our blind brethren. The blind beast that were hidden away in the vast amount of foliage, didn't even think or feel.

It was sad because they couldn't relate to us, but there would be a day that even they would 'wake up'.

The even sadder fact was that they wouldn't be able to see all the things that we had seen. They probably would even die right away, never once knowing what could of been.

It was sad but that was our life, though we knew little about it. Hell, so many changes were happening around us and many like us that we couldn't even imagine what the future would look like.


Cripple's eyes opened slowly as she looked around, the night air caressed her flesh as she woke. The only thing was, was that she was alone in a large open field. The community was no where to be seen, which left her baffled.

"Ahnyx? Scalpmuzzle?", she called out in the darkness with rather cautious eyes.

Turning her head, she heard a heavy sound of breathing and as she slowly looked did a large mouth erupted from the darkness as it completely consumed her.

"Ahhh!?!", Cripple's mind and voice screamed at once in unison as her body was quick to lift itself off of the ground.

Tears were heavy in her eyes, as her heart shook violently from the dream she had came out from. Her eyes and head looked around frantically, for she was making sure that she was safe and sound.

She saw the familiar safety from the community which was around her now, as the sound of howls echoed out distantly in the night covered sky. It would soon be the time to wake up, for the morning was not to far behind.

Cripple shook her head as her eyes closed tightly, the thoughts of her horrible dream was stuck within her mind. "Just another bad night..."

She opened her eyes lightly as she saw her friends all around her, who was asleep. Looking down at her side, she saw the rex who she adopted though her father was heavily against it at the time.

Gullet was nestled up beside her, for the blind rex had grown so use to her and her company. The way he acted toward her, really made her feel like that of a mother and so she could relate to Belle at this moment.

Cripple felt that same burn in her throat, for the thoughts of the dream still lingered within her mind. She even saw her father so many times as well as she slept, on that day when they first arrived at the first community. It was tormenting for her, for she would yell out for him to not leave her. To tell him what she knew now. How could her mind be so cruel to her?

If only he had of stayed with them, if only he had kept his promise.


Her father's words were always on her mind, and she could even sometimes hear his voice whenever she walked or kept to herself.

That day when the first community fell from its glory, the fact that she recognized the scars on the giant beast just made it worse for her. Her father would never return, and it was the fault of that giant monster.

Never had she felt so lost and alone, to make it worse she even felt that her mind was trying to make her feel guilty. She had to do something about it, so she could put it to rest. By doing so, she would have to kill that giant beast for it was constantly on her mind.

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