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"I think that is a good idea, we will move out right away.", spoke Bloodmaw as he looked at everyone in the clan. He was not going to destroy eggs, for eggs had nothing to do with the raptors and their stealing.

Of course the raptors would no doubt teach their offspring that stealing was necessary to survive. Every single parent was different, just like how every child was different.

This decision of Bloodmaw's made everyone nod, for they were on board with the move. It was not going to be easy, but everything was never easy. It never was.

Lockjaw frowned, it was hard to determine if he was on board with the idea or not. Perhaps, to him he felt like doing something rather than running away from a problem. Many have learned about the blind. Never should anyone run away from a blind beast, only cause they would hunt you down.

By running away you leave yourself open for any attacks.

Fighting and fleeing were the only two options, and the both of them were rather risky no matter what you choose. Sure, fighting guarantees that you will survive but you would no doubt get hurt.

By getting hurt you become weaker, and when that happens the blind could sense it. They will absolutely abuse that wound, until you collapse and then that was it. You loose your life.

"I will help Belle with Gambit.", spoke Devastate as he looked at Belle who smiled at him.

Bloodmaw nodded, "Get everything together. The quicker we do this, the quicker we leave."

Grim nodded as he stalked off toward the food stash, "I will pack up the food."

"Let me help you.", exclaimed Jr as he followed after Grim.

Bloodmaw looked at Lesion who walked up, Fiala was behind him looking around with concern. "I guess you guys will walk with us for a little bit?"

Bloodmaw nodded as he smiled some, "Yep, I suppose you can go ahead and say goodbye to everyone to while you're at it?"

Lesion smiled lightly, "I hate goodbyes though."

Bloodmaw looked at him with a smile. "I'm sure everyone hates goodbyes son?"

Lesion laughed a bit before looking around at everyone, his eyes softened as he did so. For quite sometime, everyone in the clan was like a family. It was the only family that he has ever known.

Admittedly, he missed those times when he was younger. He had no care in the world, and all that he ever thought about was being like Swiftscale for he stepped on a head of a blind carnivore. To him that was the coolest thing, and he was certain that Jr felt the same.

Lesion looked over at Swiftscale, then at Grim. He couldn't deny that he had incredible teachers, his father being one of them.

"You take care of your wife, she is going to be the one to support you.", spoke Bloodmaw as he smiled. "I don't doubt that you two will fight and have different views but know that you are stronger with her."

Lesion blushed a tad but he smiled shyly, "Oh yeah of course...!"

Bloodmaw looked at Fiala as he smiled, "She is a good girl, she just had a lousy father."

Lesion looked at her as he nodded some, "I know, I will make her happy. I will try no doubt about that!"

Bloodmaw chuckled before looking at Adder and Nina, "I owe Adder one."

Lesion looked at Adder as he said, "Same..."

If it was not for Adder, Lesion would probably be mad at his father and brother still. He knew that his father was doing what was best for the clan, but he felt betrayed. Like his father didn't trust him enough to do something on his own.

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