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The tall figure that was approaching was none other than Ripper, he was on the search for Wraith. She clearly was up to something, why else would she not of returned. He was convinced that he heard her talk to Malice that night. His sharp lethal eyes looked at the small area that was made to treat the wounded.

From the sounds of it, there was others there.

Ripper narrowed his eyes as he picked up a scent, Wraith's scent was definitely here and that was the indicator to check it out. "Wraith?"

The sound of a voice disrupted the air, and Ahnyx blinked looking up taking notice. Someone was looking for Wraith, speaking of her however she looked over in surprise before her eyes hardened some.

Gambit looked at her with concern, he didn't know anything about her and he wished he could be there for her more. He had done things that were horrible before, and he was certain that Wraith was not a bad person. She was just under a whole lot of stress, and neglect. Those two things didn't go well together, so of course she would retaliate against everyone else because of her abuse.

Rain shivered at the sound of the voice, she looked at Wraith slowly with clouded eyes. She just didn't want to see everyone die again, even though that was inevitable. Especially in this world.

Wraith stood up and she walked toward the voice, she showed no fear.

Ahnyx stood up with curiosity, though stopped the moment he saw Gambit trying to stand. "Please you need rest."

Gambit looked at him silently before turning his head to look at Wraith who was now out of his sight. "But..."

Ahnyx smiled in hopes of easing the raptors feelings, "She will be back I'm sure of it."

Gambit looked down silently, he laid his head down with frustration laced eyes. He closed his eyes hesitantly, and waited for her return.

Ripper frowned at Wraith the moment she was walking up, he shifted his head in a direction before walking away. He didn't want anyone hearing what he had to say.

The hustle and bustle of everyone working together around them was a unique sound. Having the chance to experience this was a rare thing, seeing that herbivores and carnivores were working together. To different eyes however, this would be a accident waiting to happen. Only cause the two different sides were always warring with each other to survive.

Would these two sides get along, and if so how long would it last.

Ripper stopped walking the moment that there was no one else around them, he looked at Wraith with blank eyes before he spoke. "What exactly are you doing?"

Wraith looked at him in a fearless posture, her eyes looked at his lethal ones that were a bloody red color. "I'm doing whatever the hell I want."

Ripper tilted his head slowly, "Oh, and are you forgetting that you are a part of us?"

Wraith frowned sharply, she made a sound similar to that of eating something rotten. "Why would I want to be part of you and your horrible crew!"

Ripper frowned, "Horrible? Are you forgetting that you are horrible?"

Wraith blinked at him and his words, she glared at him slowly as he continued.

"You are what you are, and nothing will change that. You are better off being with those that are like you, look like you. You can't seriously believe that them, those who are normal would ever accept you right?", Ripper's voice was eerily sincere as he spoke.

Wraith hissed out, "Don't you think that I know that!"

Ripper looked at her, he watched her close her eyes as she shook her head. She looked at him slowly and his eyes narrowed harshly at her.

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