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Gambit was laying on his stomach with his head over both of his arms, he was looking in the direction of Goong with a lazy looking smile upon his lips. "Why did your parents name you that?"

Goong frowned looking at the raptor who was more or less teasing him. "Must you be so rude?"

Gambit narrowed his eyes as he smiled at the brute who was gray in color with dark red splotches randomly over his body. "I'm not rude all the time."

Goong looked at Gambit as he replied, "You are very rude! You don't know anything about me or my parents. I suggest you change your attitude some before saying such hurtful things."

Gambit sort of snickered, "Right, right!"

Belle looked at Goong as she said smiling, "Forgive him, he is a little upset that he can't do anything right now."

Gambit glared at Belle, "Traitor."

Ahnyx chuckled as he placed the herbs upon Goong's wounded ankle, "He is a good person, though his words may come off as rude?"

Gambit made a loud 'Hmph!', as he turned his head away from them. He closed his eyes as he tried to completely zone them out.

Belle smiled as she looked at him, she then blinked taking notice of a familiar face from the corner of her eyes and she froze up slightly. That black raptor was standing there, watching them from a little bit away.

Belle looked at Ahnyx as she tried her best to not look at that raptor, she remembered that raptor only cause she took her away from everyone else.

Belle smiled as she looked at Goong who smiled, he was glad that he got his injury looked at.

Ahnyx looked at Goong as he said, "If you need anything don't be afraid to ask."

Goong nodded toward him with a look of gratitude. "Thank you."

Ahnyx smiled coolly, he was very happy that he could help others who were hurt. This was why he loved herbalism so much for it brought others together. He blinked as he looked up, and he caught sight of Wraith who was standing away from them. She looked so uncomfortable from the looks of it for she was hugging herself as she stared at him.

Ahnyx tilted his head before walking toward her, "Wraith correct?"

Wraith blinked and she quickly turned to leave but stopped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. "..!"

Ahnyx looked at her, his right hand rested on her shoulder gently. "Please don't run away, I wish to apologize to you for the other day."

Belle watched Ahnyx in surprise, he really didn't show fear to her.

Wraith looked down as she replied, "Stop being so damn nice to me."

Ahnyx looked at her with sympathy, "Would you rather me be mean to you?"

Wraith went silent when she heard his response, "..."

Ahnyx calmly removed his hand from her as he put the same hand up to his chest. "I understand. I'm sorry for holding you up."

Wraith looked at him with a confused expression, she stared at him silently before speaking. "Why aren't you scared of me?"

Ahnyx blinked a little surprised by her words, he then calmly smiled. "I think there is somethings more scarier than that of carnivores or the blind."

Wraith looked at him as she waited for him to finish.

"Death or being alone is something that scares me more than anything else.", finished Ahnyx as he closed his eyes.

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