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For so many years, our lives have always been plain with nothing to gain. All that we ever did was do the same thing over and over only then to die later. We died leaving nothing behind, but now that has changed. Our whole world is changing.

But is this change good or bad.
The more we think about it, the more we grew scared.

The sounds of pterosaurs made their sounds known among the trees, only then to be muffled out by a new sound. A loud sound of strong wings flapping in the air, right above the so many trees. Soon the lands slowly changed, and the environment became a marshy wetlands.

Along with the wetlands came the odor of marshy water and mud. A clan made their home here, and the clan followed their leaders, Sharpclaw and Smaug.

Movement of large bodies moved about catching fish, while the many large crocodiles moved away from the large predators. The clan of Sharpclaw was made up of creatures who lived off of fish meat. Smaug would watch over the many who fished with a sense of pride.

It was hard to believe that this clan had changed, but they had changed for the better and it was all thanks to Smaug.

A brute who only cared about fighting rexes and getting stronger, now was leading a clan as if it was nothing. His eyes looked up however the sound of flapping wings caught his attention. "The hell..?"

Smaug blinked as a form landed on the ground close to him, its wings were very wide. The color of this large pterosaur caught the attention of many who were fishing in the swamp water.

"Are you Smaug?", asked the pteranodon.

Smaug blinked in light disbelief, for he didn't expect a pteranodon to speak. "Whose asking?"

The pteranodon had a faint smile upon his beak, as he looked at the spinosaurus who was looking at him. This pteranodon had a dark gray body, with bright colors of green upon his face. His crest was colored in the same green, while his beak was black.

"Please call me, Skyfall.", spoke the pteranodon who was some what snickering.

"Skyfall?", replied Smaug with a look that was not impressed.

Skyfall snickered again, his claws on his wings were moved to cover his beak. "Yeah, I kind of called myself that cause I kept falling instead of flying!"

Smaug tilted his head with a brow raised, "Right, well I am not in the mood to chat. I got work to do."

Skyfall opened his beak, as he squawked. "Oh! I actually came here to deliver a message to you! Razzak wishes to ask for your assistance with the blind!"

Smaug snorted loudly, "I don't know anyone by the name of Razzak."

Skyfall some what smirked, "Well, you don't know him. But, do you know of a rex by the name of Devastate?"

Smaug blinked and looked at the pteranodon who looked at him coyly. "Wait, Yeah I know him."

Skyfall couldn't help but close his green eyes as he snickered, "Devastate was the one to suggest you! But~ If you are to soft I will take my leave!"

Smaug's eyebrows twitched, it was clear that the pteranodon had gotten under his skin but not in a good way. "Excuse me? Gizzardface?"

Skyfall blinked and looked greatly offended. "GIZZARDFACE!?!"

Smaug turned around, "Fine I will go. Just wait for me."

Skyfall still looked upset as the spinosaurus walked away.

Sharpclaw raised a brow, "You sure you are going?"

Smaug nodded, "Besides, if I don't go I will be made fun of."

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