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Who can you trust, who couldn't you trust?

Many had to ask these questions in some point in their lives, but to discover you couldn't trust them in the end was probably as worst as it could get. Because in the end they are the last one that you see before entering eternal slumber.

As the day begins to darken, along with it came clouds that brought forth a light rain shower. The inhabitants of the community took notice to this, as a cool breeze hugged their frames. It was rather coincidental that rain would fall due to what was going on outside with the blind being so riled up.

Ripper and Malice were calmly talking while a silhouette moved away before they could be seen. The darkness of the rain that was falling and the cloudy skies helped hide this figure as they ran into the herds of herbivores that made there home in the community.

"He is really starting to annoy me.", spoke Malice as she looked at Ripper.

"Be patient, come tomorrow the vote will happen.", replied Ripper as he smirked. "Just a little longer."

Malice sneered at what was said, she nodded as her eyes held such hostility. "Yes, just a little longer."

The light pattering of rain was starting to pick up in pace, the water would find smooth surfaces and slowly fall down to the ground. Razzak was feeling the rain fall as it came down upon him, he was also certain that the others living here were getting the same treatment as him.

Droplets of water fell from his jaw, removing any dirt and dust that was on his muscular frame.

The day was now getting darker and with the rain it was harder to see anything. Lockjaw was looking outside, his eyes were narrowed sharply for he was desperately trying to listen for any kind of sound. Adder frowned as his body began to take a wet tone, thanks to the rain of course.

"You think the blind will attack?", asked Adder looking serious.

"No doubt that they will.", growled Lockjaw.

Grim looked outward as he stood in between Lockjaw and Adder, his eyes took on a hardened look. "I will go around and scout the wall."

Adder looked surprised, "Not by yourself!"

Lockjaw looked at Grim with a harsh look. Now was not the time to do anything recklessly. "I think that is the wrong call."

Grim snorted as he walked outside, and Adder tried to stop him but froze up when Grim glared at him. "I will go out and stop anything that I see. Kill them if I have too. At least show them that we mean business!"

Rigor looked at Grim, his eyes showed his concern. "But in this weather...?"

Grim turned away, he began to walk along the wall. "I wanna do this. If you hear me then you know they are up to something."

Lockjaw snapped at him, "By making yourself as bait! What the hell!"

Grim didn't say anything as he continued forward, which left Lockjaw snarling loudly. "The arrogant fool!"

Clade looked at him, his eyes looked serious. "That maybe, but at least he is trying to help?"

Adder frowned as kept staring out into the darkness, "Help sure but if something happens to him then..."

Rigor looked down before saying, "I will go with him."

Lockjaw looked at him firmly much like Clade, Rigor seeing the two looks frowned. "I wanna go!"

"No, it would be best to wait and hear for him.", spoke Clade as he looked at Rigor. "Besides, if you went and something were to happen we would be down two irreplaceable members."

Rise Of A New Age Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora