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The sounds that lingered outside would make any living thing cower, and the aggression grew as each second passed by. Rigor was impatiently watching and waiting while he watched what was happening outside of the wall. Usually, the blind were curious and as such they investigated new things.

But this was worrisome. It was like the blind knew what was about to happen and that didn't sit well with Rigor who was shaking. It was hard to tell that he was however but he was.

Just what did the blind know that he didn't know?

"I believe they will be attacking us, and quite hard from how things are looking.", huffed Lockjaw who was watching the outside with Rigor.

The wall had been fixed constantly thanks to the blind and their desperation to get in. It was extremely difficult to fix the wall due to how many predators lurked outside of the safe zone. The community was supposed to be looking up, and the herbivores were supposed to be outside growing things, but how could they with the blind so riled up.

It made many of the inhabitants restless and actually fearful, some didn't even want to go outside. But they would have to eventually, in order to supply food. If they didn't then they would grow weaker and pretty much starve to death.

Out of all deaths starvation was probably the worst, and Lockjaw didn't want that for his family. The large brute was extremely tempted to go out there by himself and kill a few off, but the numbers that the blind had were incredible. It was like the numbers grew every single night, and it only got worse as time went on. Before to long, they would have a massive pack of blind running in and ruining what they had worked so hard to accomplish.

The community would surely fall.

"Razzak had mentioned something about going out there tonight?", spoke Rigor who could feel his lips going dry.

Lockjaw merely huffed out in his response as he looked at Rigor who seemed to be frozen in place. He said that yet his body said something entirely different from his words.

"You don't have to go out there, it is quite clear you are not ready for this.", Lockjaw's tone was rather cold and detached.

Rigor looked at Lockjaw in surprise before frowning sharply, he even bared his fangs. "This place is my home! If I can't protect it then who will!"

Lockjaw faintly smirked at his words, as his eyes shifted to the many forms that moved outside. The sizes were different which gave hint to different age groups of blind. Even if they managed to scare the blind off, food was no doubt a good distance away. The hunters would have to travel further away from the community which meant more risks.

"This is your home, but if you are getting cold feet now, maybe you need to change your mind.", snorted Lockjaw who held no tolerance for cowards. "You fight or you don't, figure that out now."

Rigor's mouth closed as he looked down, there was some truth behind what the rex said. His eyes looked outside again, his eyes soon narrowed as he thought deeply about what he should do.

Lockjaw turned his gaze to look at Clade who was walking up, his eyes soon landed on Rigor who was thinking hard about his choices.

"Razzak is on his way, are you guys ready?", asked Clade who flicked his claws that rested on his hands.

Lockjaw nodded before shifting his large head to look at Rigor who looked at the both of them. Rigor nodded firmly which made Lockjaw stare at him, when they go out there will he see if Rigor has what it takes to survive.

He was young and had energy, that and he was very fast but that only went so far in this world. Strength and intelligence were two things, though different they actually helped to keep many alive. By having both, would ensure their survival.

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