Joy of Living

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The sounds of laughter was a wonderful thing, after all it gave this world such a different vibe. The wedding for Smaug and Cobalt was without a doubt going to happen, but of course Smaug had to tell Cobalt about Flaay.

It wouldn't be easy, but she had to know.

Sharpclaw was happy to be back home much like the rest of his clan, Bloodmaw was looking around with interest for Sharpclaw had a good set up.

Devastate looked around with curious eyes, while Belle walked along side him. She smiled though when she heard the laughter and happy voices of some families being able to reunite once more.

Gambit blinked with his arms crossed over his head, he whistled as he followed after Belle.

Cobalt seeing that they returned walked over with a smile, she was so happy to see her father again. Smaug even looked okay, from what she could tell.

"You are alright!", exclaimed Cobalt with a happy smile.

Though, she quickly took notice of Smaug and his expression. He looked down about something. She looked at his pet, but took notice that he was missing one.

"What happened?", she asked this carefully as she looked up at him.

Smaug looked at her as he said, "We need to talk."

Cobalt frowned upon hearing his words, from the looks of his expression it was not good news.

Jr walked alongside Lesion with Fiala, the three of them looked to be getting along. Grim was behind the three of them, his eyes looked around the camp curiously.

Sharpclaw was giving out pieces of the armor to families, from those who had died due to Dreadtooth's recklessness. There was happiness and there was sadness.

Losing a loved one was never easy, and it probably won't ever get easy.

Helm and Dingo were looking around, though Dingo laughed which made many stare at him confused. Helm looked at Dingo curiously, he didn't know why he was laughing.

Dingo was a complete nut sometimes since he laughs at almost everything, but he was a good guy deep down.

Swiftscale smiled at Ebony, for the both of them have never seen a wedding before. Especially a wedding of this nature, though Ebony had a mate before they just didn't get a wedding to celebrate the union.

Scarface looked at Ruby who took notice of Cobalt who had flowers on her head as well as Fiala who was still dressed up, he looked away nervously as Ruby said. "I want to get married and dress up. Scarface, will you marry me?"

Scarface looked at her fast when he heard her say something about him marrying her, "Do what now!?!"

Ruby smiled sweetly as she said, "Will you?"

Scarface looked around with a flustered expression, "Uh, why this all of a sudden!?!"

While Ruby tries to talk Scarface into marrying her, the rest of the clan of Bloodmaw had fully arrived in Sharpclaw's camp.

Harmony smiled at her two daughters who were looking around excitedly, with Lockjaw right behind.

Adder and Nina smiled as they looked around, the atmosphere was pleasant and inviting which everybody could sense. It was not everyday that others got together and actually try to have a good time.

Vallun was beside Sharpclaw once everyone was settled in for the night. The war was over, and Sharpclaw let all the rexes who surrendered go only cause there was no point in killing them.

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